
I would like to give two poppin’ thumbs up to this amazing form of hair removal to….drum roll*… SUGAR WAXING! I am way past Brazilian hot waxing. Been there, done that and will remain done with that. For life. I am now invested in Brazilian sugar waxing! I’ve seen such a significant difference when I learned about sugar waxing through my boyfriend’s sister. I noticed that my hair growth was super duper slow!


When I used to hot wax… it would hurt my skin because of it being so hot and adhering to my skin, that at one time, it ripped a part of my skin off! Fucking ouch right? AND it would grow within a week and half. Now let me tell you about my sugar waxing experience after two months of analyzing. My hair didn’t actually begin to grow after three weeks PLUS the hair size grew out thin! Amazing right?!

Sugar waxing

Here’s a better idea between sugar and hot waxing:

Sugar waxing:

-       Made of sugar, water, and lemon juice (natural ingredients fasho)

-       Room temperature ( So you don’t ever get burned on your coochie)

-       Removes dead skin cells rather than live skin cells (Ain’t nothing better than exfoliation and hair removal at the same time!)

-       Less pain ( and more to gain!)

-       Reduces formation of ingrown hairs ( Little twerps. We hate you. Bye forever)

-       Hair growth decreases dramatically! ( That’s right, bye felicia)

Hot waxing:

-       Made with chemicals, dyes, preservatives, artificial fragrances (Sounds harmful already)

-       Hot temperature ( Your ass can get burned!)

-       Chances of removing live skins cells (HELLLLLLZ NO you ain’t fuckin’ with my skin)

-       Painful (Fuck all that)

-       May cause ingrown hairs (Uhh, no)

The sugar spot that I go to is in Long Beach called Bronzed Sugar! All the estheticians aka sugar mommas are so sweet and very knowledgable with what they do. They even offer you water or wine! Yaaaass! You really can’t go wrong with sugar waxing if you’re about that hot waxing life. It’s the best solution for hair removal and is almost equivalent to laser hair removal results. I totes recommend it to all my coochie or non-coochie waxers out there trying to dismiss some if not, ALL irrelevant hairs!

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