We are delighted to announce that following the success of the recent Modern Buddhism Event in March 2014, attended by more than 850 people, Gen-la Dekyong has kindly accepted our invitation to return to London on Sunday 5 October.
The talk is suitable for everyone and will be based on Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s highly acclaimed book, Modern Buddhism, a special presentation of Buddha’s teachings designed especially for the people of the modern world. Find out how to greet each day with a smile and see new opportunities in every encounter. In this talk we will learn how to develop an open and warm heart towards others, freeing us from anxiety and self concern and bringing a freshness and joy to each day. Join in a guided meditation using the methods explained so you can start to experience the peace and freedom of a calm, clear mind.
Register in advance online at http://www.meditateinlondon.org.uk/freetalk or by calling 020 8455 7563
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