
I started this feature to celebrate real mums. Mums are amazing and come in all shapes and sizes but sometimes we can feel alone, we can feel as though we are the only ones struggling to keep on top of things. I want to lift the lid on motherhood so we can all feel part of a sisterhood, to feel proud about our own achievements and know that we are doing the best we can!

Without further a do let me hand over to Laura!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.

My name is Laura and I am a 30-something mum of 2, one toddler terror who has been joined on his adventures recently by a brand new baby brother.   We live over in the sandpit that is otherwise know as Dubai and while you all in the UK may be looking forward to the summer over in Dubai it is not a fun time of year!  We tend to be stuck indoors in the AC as temperatures rise as high as 50 degrees which is why I may sneak off to the UK for 3 weeks in June, hopefully maybe even doing some lovely UK bloggy things – any suggestions?!

Other than the extreme heat I am loving our life out here, with my husband working and being fully supportive of the decision for our family for me to be a stay at home mum.  It means my life is a little hectic and generally takes place on the floor, at toddler height!

Describe a typical day in your life

We have 2 different morning routines in our house, nursery morning routine and no nursery morning routine!

Nursery mornings are frantic, yank the toddler out of bed, throw cereal at him, chase him round to dress him and change his nappy, make sure his bag is packed before waving him and Daddy off (nursery is by Daddy’s work) and sinking down with a cup of tea, feeding the baby and snuggling up..  Followed by household chores/procrastinating on the internet and blogging…oops!  Before my dash down to pick him up at 12.30 so I can get him home to nap (I am thankful every day for the iPad to get me home with an awake toddler every day so I can get him into bed!) and then fingers crossed the baby wants to sleep at the same time.

No nursery days are much more relaxed, toddler wakes up, shouts and sings to us.  Then I pull him into bed with us, he shouts for milk and Raa Raa then we sit in the bed watching Daddy get ready for work (and I feed Baby Boy again).  Then a little pottering round pulling the toys out.  I try to do an activity of sorts with him every morning and afternoon, by activity I could mean something as mundane as walking to the shops or something as exciting as heading up to soft play, the park, play date, mum group!  Again, I get home round 12ish, feed him lunch and battle him into bed.

Afternoons, similar, something to make the time pass; sometimes toys at home, sometimes we go swimming in the pool downstairs, sometimes out to see a friend, and some days just snuggled watching Disney movies.  Since Baby Boy has joined us, he has slotted quite nicely into routine but I think as he wakes up and becomes more aware of the world things will change as I have 2 nap schedules to battle through.

Then the normal, dinner, Daddy home, bath and bed…with fingers crossed that he goes to sleep!

What is the best thing about being a mum?

Right now it is the sheer amazement at what an independent, funny, stubborn little man he has grown into.  And knowing that I have helped shape him into becoming this incredible little person.  And I do love my “mummy cuddles” especially sleepy ones!  I am looking forward to the journey even more second time around as its wonderful to know where the path will lead.

What have you found hardest about motherhood?

At the beginning, I despaired over the toddler terrors napping. There were many a time I was walking round and round and round the park (back when we still lived in London) sobbing as THIS CHILD JUST WON’T SLEEP!!!!!  Letting go of the thought that I needed a routine led to a much more relaxed me and funnily enough led to us actually falling into a routine.  This time I plan on being a lot more baby led, though I think that’s often more the case with your second, you haven’t got as much time to panic and read up.  I’m sure you’re also more confident as well!

How has your body changed?

Well this was me about 30ish weeks pregnant.  I love being pregnant and really miss it!

My body is still in the process of shrinking back with my c-section battle scar.  The main difference is my poor old boobs which took a battering with breastfeeding, and if I am totally honest were like deflated balloons once I stopped are now back to filling my bra, can I just pause to say woohoo!  Followed by a bit of a boo that milk sprays everywhere…..

I’ve always been pretty happy with the way I look, even before giving birth I carried all my weight on my belly I had the mum pouch before I was even a mum!  So I felt like i sprang back quite well.  My aim after this pregnancy is to start running seriously and keep fit.  And maybe, just maybe, start circuits……

Do you wear makeup? If so what does your routine look like?

Ah makeup.

If I am going to a new meet up group or meeting people I know I tend to throw a bit of eyeliner and mascara on to be honest its a bit slapdash.  If I am slobbing at home I wear nothing.  And with friends who really know me, I don’t bother putting any war paint on.

Until I go out.  Then its all to town, full eye make up, glitter, liquid eyeliner, blusher.  Even contact lenses instead of glasses!!  But I don’t go out very often so generally the best you get is mascara with my glasses on!

What’s in your handbag?

I generally use my Yummy Mummy Pink Lining bag.  In honour of writing this I have just emptied it.  Yuck.

Half an eaten banana, lots of goodies bar wrappers, some soggy receipts, 3 cars, 1 choo choo train and a couple of stray raisins.  And that was just the debris at the bottom.  The actual stuff I use includes:

– A pack of baby wipes

– 3 nappies for the toddler, 3 nappies for the baby

– The toddlers water

– The toddlers YumBox filled with snacks

– Change of clothes for the baby, muslin, nursing cover

– Dummy

– A changing mat

– The iPad (we had a big car journey today!)

– My purse, keys, phone


What is your relationship with housework?

Housework?  What’s that?!  I am investing in a cleaner once a week and I generally sweep the floors once a day as the crumbs and debris a toddler can cause means that bits stick to your feet.  And the ants come in to party.  Yuck.

And I iron.  But I hate it.  My ironing pile is overtaking the chair at the moment…..

How do you relax?


I chill out reading blogs, writing posts on my blog, I have been cross stitching for the new baby’s arrival which is fairly therapeutic.  I love watching trashy easy to watch series with the husband, we are currently re-watching Scrubs!

Before being pregnant I used to like going out for a run.  The whole time I was out it was torture, but coming home afterwards I feel so virtuous its no problem for me to spend the rest of the day with a massive slice of cake and my feet up.

What’s the best parenting advice you have ever been given?

My husband actually gave this to me when I was surrounded by a mountain of baby books despairing why the toddler terror wasn’t napping for more than 30 minutes at a time when the books said he should be doing 3 naps a day.  I was in tears.  And in danger of having the books collapse on me.  When he came out with “Laura, he is your baby.  Read the baby not the book.  You are doing amazing.  Remember that.  And please throw the books away”

For any new mums out there, what would you like to tell them?

Don’t worry, you will figure this out!  I promise!  And your baby will never judge you.

What makes you happy?

I love spending time with my boys, going out for delicious food and travelling to new places.  We have a bit of a travelling bug in our house and we love to go explore the world!

And finally, complete this sentence:

I am a great mum because….. I love my kids and they love me….we have fun together every day and nothing else compares to seeing the toddlers face light up with laughter.  Or snuggling on the couch with my littlest boy.

Aww Laura, you look so happy with your two boys. I am so glad I got to feature you with Littlest Boy in the pictures now I absolutely love your husbands advice of reading the baby- I have never heard it said like that before!

You can find out more about Laura and her gorgeous boys over on her blog Life With Baby Kicks. She is also on Twitter so go say hi!

If you would like to take part in my Real Mums series then email me at katy@whatkatysaid.com. x

The post Real Mums – Life With Baby Kicks appeared first on What Katy Said.

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