Scroll down for Hate Crime Awareness Week events in Manchester
Hate crime
In England and Wales, hate crimes are any crimes that are targeted because of hostility or prejudice in relation to:
• race or ethnicity
• religion or belief
• sexual orientation
• transgender identity
This can be committed against a person or property.
A victim does not have to be a member of the group at which the hostility is targeted. In fact, anyone could be a victim of a hate crime.
If a person is convicted of a criminal offence, and hostility in relation to any of the above five categories is proven, then any sentence they receive will be increased to take in to account that it is a hate crime.
For more information about hate crime, and the police service’s response to it, see the national True Vision website
You can listen to an audio version of information about how to report hate crime to Greater Manchester Police and what a hate crime incident is here:
listen to ‘Hate Crime’ on Audioboo
Alternative Sub-culture Hate Crime
The 5 categories above are agreed nationally, and every police service in England and Wales records these as hate crimes. It is an option for any individual police service to add additional categories.
From April 2013 Greater Manchester Police also now records Alternative Sub-culture related hate crime.
We have done this following work we have carried out in partnership with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, as we feel that adding this extra category of hate crime will help us better understand how some people are suffering from crimes because of their appearance, and better respond to the needs of victims of crime.
To find out more about Alternative Sub-culture hate crime, and the murder of Sophie Lancaster
You can let Greater Manchester Police know about an Alternative Sub-culture hate crime via the nationalTrue Vision on-line reporting form – simply select “other” as a category and write alternative sub-culture in the box provided.
Learning Disability Hate Crime
Hate crime is when someone treats you badly because you have a learning disability. It is wrong for anyone to
hurt you
• call you names
• take your things
• make you feel unsafe
There is an Easy Read leaflet you can download from the right of this page.
There is also a Disability Hate Crime Poster you can download from the right of this page.
You can find more easy read information about hate crime and how to report to the police on our easy read page.
Internet Hate Crime
The True Vision website (which is published by the Association of Chief Police Officers on behalf of all the police services in England and Wales) explains how the police respond to hate crime on the internet and how you can report it to us.
Our performance
GMP regularly publishes details about the number of hate crimes reported to us, and how well we have done in solving those crimes. See our Equality Performance Data page.
Hate crime related Equality Objectives
In our Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Strategy, we have incorporated equality objectives that are specific to hate crime. See our Equality Publications page.
How to report hate crime
Call Greater Manchester Police on 101. If it’s an emergency always call 999.
Fill in the online reporting form
.• Fill in the form on the True Vision hate crime reporting site for England and Wales
Get in touch with our Partnership Teams. A list of your local experts can be found here.
Visit a reporting centre. These are independent, non-police centres that allow you to report events in total confidence. If you don’t want to talk to anyone, you can pick up a self-reporting pack. These are listed at the bottom of these pages:
North Manchester
South Manchester
Call Crimestoppers with information relating to a hate crime. For example, following a police appeal for witnesses after an incident. They’ll not ask for your name and your call is not traced or recorded. Contact them on 0800 555 111 or visit the Crimestoppers website.
Download the Hate Crime Reporting App
You can download the official True Vision hate crime reporting app and use it to report a hate crime to Greater Manchester Police.Below is an updated list of useful contacts
To find out more about hate crime, speak to your local expert. You’ll get lots of information including:
details of your Neighbourhood Policing Team
how to arrange a visit from your Neighbourhood Policing Team
local support agencies
• CI Laura Marler
• Sergeant Melanie Davidson
• Sergeant Darren Callaghan
• PC JoanneE Green
• PC Martin Aylett
T: 101
EVENTS: Hate Crime Awareness Week
Let’s End Hate Crime lunch
28 January 2015
Time: 12:00 – 14:00
The Church of God of Prophecy
300 Moss Lane East, Moss Side, M14 4SS
Manchester Let’s End Hate Crime Awareness Week takes place from Monday 26th January – 1st February 2015. Manchester wants to end hate crime by building on the City’s reputation for celebrating diversity.
Mosscare will be contributing by holding a ‘Let’s End Hate Crime’ Awareness lunch to make sure that tenants and residents know what Hate Crime is and that Mosscare are a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre.
Please contact Alicia Bryan on 0161 232 5667 for more information.
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