Our stylish mompreneur friend Maria Aldana of EarlGreyStyle.com (a lifestyle, style & beauty, decor blog), recently wrote an article for Posh Kids Magazine about traveling with your baby or toddler. She mentions WestsideMommy.com’s article How My Toddler Stayed Entertained on our Cross-Country Flight in The August 2016 issue of Posh Kids:
Thanks again for the mention!
Posh Kids Magazine
read the article online at:
About Earl Grey Style – Maria Aldana
Earl Grey Style is a place to document her adventures and favorites in style, beauty and decor. She recently began her journey towards a minimalist lifestyle & wardrobe and started supporting green and natural beauty products made from handmade shops. Her focus is to inspire creative entrepreneurs and create an authentic, positive atmosphere. Her goal is to curate an online shop which offers self-care kits, beauty/bath products, small home decor items – all from handmade shops/artisans.