
SOT, I think you've answered yourself with statement:

SOT wrote:

So in essence I am reasonably content with these changes - that is, until you consider the list of agencies. I cannot understand why a fire service or ambulance service would want to know what websites I am looking at??

As for myself, I don't believe very much of what the established political class/system tells us; for the very good reason that the same political class has proven themselves beyond all doubt to be untrustworthy, deceitful, unreliable, and in very many instances - downright dishonest. I certainly don't believe any promises coming from the established political class concerning the security of our personal communications and internet activity being monitored by a very long list of Government agencies, agencies that are increasingly being operated and managed by PRIVATE and FOR PROFIT global commercial organisations.

Concerning the deceit and dishonesty practised by the political class:
Our membership of the EU (political union) was achieved by deceit, dishonesty, and downright lies from the political class and the mainstream media. The British people were deliberately lied to in the lead up to 1975 referendum on Britain's membership of the then Economic Community (Common Market). We were told in very clear terms that it was an Economic Community/Common Market NOT a political union. We have been lied to ever since that referendum, and the lies continue even today. Britain's membership of the EU is illegal from start to finish because the sovereignty should not have been given away to foreign agents without the direct consent of the British people – an act of High Treason on the part of the whole of the British Establishment. We the people were never properly asked – instead we were, and continue to be lied to by the political class.

We have been continually told by the political class that the EU was not about military union, or the creation of a European Military Force. Successive British Governments of all colours have been engaged in working towards creating a European Military Force, at the same time Britain's independent military has effectively been castrated by the wilful political destruction of Britain's independent Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, and British Army. Britain today is effectively free of all meaningful and independent self-defence; we don't even possess the means to protect ourselves against illegal immigrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. The Command and Control of Britain's military is now effectively under the merged control of the French Military. Since the Brexit vote in June, the wilful political handover of Britain's military to the French has continued at pace; but we don't see much of all this reported in the mainstream media.

Large scale uncontrolled immigration is another area where the political class have deliberately lied to the British people for decades; and since Brexit, still nothing has changed.

The global warming/climate change agenda is one enormous pack of political lies from beginning to end. An agenda that has corrupted the scientific, educational, and business communities, along with all political parties (including and especially local government politics). This anti-CO2 agenda has/is being used to destroy Britain's industry, at the same time drastically reduce the standard of living of every British non-member of the established political class. Britain's electricity supply network is now hanging by a very vulnerable thread that could break any day soon. And all this has been achieved by political lies from those who claim to represent the people of Britain.

The established political class have deliberately lied to us and taken us into illegal wars on a number of occasions now. We've had an infantile “Dodgy Dossier” from Blair & Co. to justify a war in Iraq to capture non-existent WMD capable of use against Britain within 45 minutes, a war that has seen the destruction of Iraq, and her people fighting for their very existence against the evil ISIS; and the political creation of the global WAR on TERRORISM. Then Cameron launched the destruction of the legitimate Libyan Government and the Libyan infrastructure that has resulted in ISIS taking reducing Libya to a vast terrorist centre for hatred, pain, and unlimited death of the peoples of the one-time free West.

In my opinion, the endless and routine lies from the established political class renders them all untrustworthy and very dangerous indeed; and certainly not worthy of trust with our personal communications and internet activities. When they say there is nothing to fear, it must be assumed by every sane and wise person that we are being lied to by those who claim to be 'protecting' us. There are many more examples of political deceit and lies practised by the established political class against the British people that could be raised here. I'm sure, if we are honest, we could all provide examples.

Contracted out Government activities to global organisations:
At this juncture I will only use the example of Capita Plc. But we could equally look at several other global organisations that have taken over the control of Government responsibilities;, including management of prisons, Social Security and Benefits, local government, schools, airports, courts, water supplies and sewage treatment, electricity generation and supply, health services, maintenance of what little remains of Britain's military. There are also all the numerous local government 'services' that have been contracted out to global organisations.

So to Capita Plc:
You mention the TV Licence. Capita Plc operates the TV Licence collection on behalf of the BBC, Capita also handles the prosecutions of any individuals believed to be defrauding the BBC out of TV Licence money. In fact, Capita takes the view that any person or property that is not paying the TV Licence tax is a lying thieving criminal who are guilty of a crime without any evidence being produced by Capita. There is also evidence to suggest that Capita's prosecutions are also illegal, illegal because Capita appear to be employing unqualified prosecution/representative agents in the courts. Capita's use of the courts also appears to similarly fraudulent as those used by local authorities when prosecuting for late or unpaid Council Tax. You may be interested in looking into local authorities use of the courts in the mass prosecution of Council Tax 'offenders'. Capita use the same tactics of mass prosecution of perceived offenders for TV Licence non-payment.

See here for some of Capita's business interests on behalf of Government:



Capita works across eight markets - local government, central government, education, transport, health, life and pensions, insurance, and other private sector organisations (including financial services).
Examples of their activities include - a television licence fee contract for the BBC, won from the Post Office; provision of IT services, including web hosting and helpdesk support, to many county and city councils, many LEAs, the Driving Standards Agency and the National Rail (NCCA); full ownership of CHKS, a hospital accreditation scheme and healthcare informatics group;[16][17] ownership of a number of health clinics;[18][19] insurance[20] and occupational health services.[21]
In 1998, Capita won the contract to run Constructionline, the newly created Public-Private Partnership owned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).[22]
Capita manages the Criminal Records Bureau for the Home Office. In 2002, when mandatory CRB-vetting of all workers with children was brought in, a large number of teachers were temporarily unable to work after Capita's systems had difficulty with the workload and were subsequently overwhelmed, meaning that the start of the academic year was delayed in some places. Poor systems specifications and last-minute changes in government policy by the then Secretary of State for Education, Estelle Morris are believed to have been significant factors in these delays.[23]
In 2006 Capita Financial Administrators (CFA) was fined £300,000 by the Financial Services Authority for having poor anti-fraud controls .[24]
Capita entered the healthcare recruitment market during May 2011[25] through acquisition of Team24, a healthcare recruitment specialist - extending the services they offer within the recruitment industry.[26]
Capita also intended to enter into the legal services market and entered into a funding arrangement with the Law Firm Optima Legal Services Limited which saw them, in the period between May 2006 to the end of 2009 invest a total of £36,700,000 by way of investment loans into Optima.[27] As part of the funding arrangement Capita Group had the option of acquiring the shares of Optima Legal Services for the nominal sum of £1 upon the full implementation of the Legal Services Act 2007 which would make ownership of law firms by the likes of Capita possible. It is thought that such Alternative Business Structures ("ABS") could be lawful around October 2011.[28] However, on 9 August 2010 it was reported that the Solicitors Regulatory Authority ("SRA") had found that the arrangement breached its rules in that it effectively amounted to an ABS.[29] As a consequence, Optima Legal Services Lead Litigation and Property Partners, Philip Robinson and Anthony Ruane respectively were both severely reprimanded by the SRA for what was found to be professional misconduct and only narrowly avoided referral to the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal[30] and Adrian Lamb, former CEO of Optima Legal Services Limited, left the business in June 2010.[31]
In January 2015, Capita acquired Constructionline outright from BIS for £35m.

Unfortunately for us, the likes of Capita are not answerable to the British electorate in any way, neither are they effected by Freedom of Information Requests. But the political class have never made these important points clear to the British people - more deceit and lies by the established political class.

Statistics: Posted by Westonman — Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:26 pm

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