Welp, time to pull the trigger on Crushbone's Revenge. You've heard me talking about this quest for months. It's finally in a playable state. If any Neverwinter players want to give it a spin and let me know how they like it, I'd really appreciate it.
It's part of my EverQuest-in-Neverwinter campaign, but no knowledge of EverQuest is required to play.
Crushbone's Revenge (NW-DQY8XAH9D) by @Tipa
It's still in the For Review tab at the moment, but, I hope, will be in the "New" tab real soon. Need just one more review to get it out of Review Hell.
#Neverwinter #Foundry #Crushbone #EverQuest
Crushbone’s Revenge (NW-DQY8XAH9D) — looking to trade reviews
Crushbone’s Revenge – NW-DQY8XAH9D
A semi-sequel to “Tempest in a Freepot”. The gnomish King Alonso has lost his nephew, Retlon Brenclog, in the Orc fortress of Crushbone. Tensions between Crushbone and the nearby wood elf city of Kelethin make a direct assault unwise, but someone from outside the region, with no ties to any side, can get in there and convince Retlon to return.
But, you’ll soon find out that all is very much, not as it seem…
This was posted on Google+
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