
Norma LaVecchia, Fitness Expert


Westchester Happening welcomes you to our feature, the Westchester Wellness Corner! Our guest writer and fitness expert is certified personal trainer, Norma LaVecchia. Check in once or twice a month, as Norma gives us fitness tips, tidbits on healthy eating, and offers ways in which we can cut back on all the stress in our lives!



Do you know how to eat? Don’t tell me what my kids say: “I open my mouth and chew” How much does your diet contribute to your health? We know the answer is a great deal. Can food help prevent a disease or help stop a problem. ..yes. Yet, we still eat and drink what we shouldn’t.  I hear people say they eat healthy but are not losing weight or their cholesterol  is still high etc. Some of us try but are not sure what, when or how. We are different, so our body needs are different. Sounds complicated if you are not well educated in nutrition. While chatting with a client about food she told me about her nutritionist. She raved so much about her I had to find out more.

I went to her web page http://nancyguberti.com/ The sentences that stood out for me were “your health is worth it because you are worth it!” and “she develops individualized treatment regiments customized to her client’s health.”  Well, yes I am worth it and my needs will be different from my husband’s needs.

Nancy Guberti is a holistic nutritionist, Defeat Autism Now practitioner, Gluten-Free Casein –Free (GFCF) diet counselor, healthy lifestyle coach and metabolic and  functional medicine specialist. She practices a biomedical and nutritional approach to healing. Utilizing functional medicine testing and extensive health intake consult, she develops individualized treatment regimes customized to her client’s health issues.  Hmmm say that again…. I researched some more.

Nutritionist, Nancy Guberti

What is a holistic nutritionist? It is a medical practice in which the practitioner attempt to treat the whole individual. Meaning they look at the patients environment, emotions, values, nutrition and physical symptoms. A Defeat Autism Now practitioner is a clinician who provides biomedically-based treatment for children and adults with autism. Gluten-Free Casein –Free (GFCF) diet is just that. Nancy uses this diet to help children/adults with autism.  A healthy lifestyle coach is someone that shares their expertise and empowers you to live a healthy lifestyle. Nancy helps her clients reach their goals and transform their lives.

Functional Medicine Testing is a science-based, natural way to become healthy again.  Instead of treating problems as an isolated diseases, it looks at the whole bodies symptoms and imbalances. Functional Medicine adds what lacks in the body and removes anything that prevents the body from working at its best.

Nancy “provides the individual with reliable, understandable scientific analysis using the latest technology and proven techniques. Metabolic, toxicant, hormonal imbalance, detoxification, gastrointestinal function, microbiome and nutritional testing are available to identify nutritional imbalances and toxicities underlying chronic diseases. “  Samples of the health conditions she test are Autism, inflammation, depression, decreased energy, food allergies, sleep disorders, cancer, cancer risk just to name a few.

Why hire a nutritionist?

Lower your cholesterol

Lower your diabetes

Lose weight

Eat healthy

Make a healthy lifestyle change an easy transition.

Individualized assessment of your current dietary habits. No fad diets. It is a realistic plan that can work for you.

Is there something you are eating that makes your face breakout or makes you feel sluggish. A nutritionist can help you figure out what foods affect your body negatively.

What foods help fight my disease?

Need I say more.

Nancy Guberti, M.S., C.N. regularly shares her expertise on BlogTalkRadio.com educating the public about biomedical interventions and promoting functional medicine testing to address health issues. She is listed in the practitioner directory of Jenny McCarthy’s Mother Warriors and the Gluten-Free Guide to New York.  Nancy has been quoted on Shape Magazine.  You can connect with her on FaceBook or Twitter. nancy@coachforhealthyliving.com 914-725-6801

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