From Library Assistant Jennifer Hadley:
Write Better Together: an inside look at a new generation of social networks and websites that empower writers
A talk by Molly Barton ’00
Ms. Barton is teaching the senior seminar for Wesleyan’s Writing Certificate this spring. Formerly the Global Digital Director at Penguin Random House, she founded a start-up inside Penguin called Book Country, “the most supportive writing and publishing community on the web” – where writers can get feedback on their manuscripts, and if they desire, publish them as e-books. Barton left Penguin in February to work more closely with the NYC tech and start-up community. She is working on a number of undisclosed digital initiatives with major media companies, and serving as strategic advisor to publishing related start-ups in New York City and Silicon Valley.
For more information and to rsvp if you would like to attend, contact libfriends[at]wesleyan[dot]edu.
Pizza and light supper refreshments will be served.
Date: Thursday, April 24
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: Develin Room (2nd floor Olin Library, Rm 204)