
Top 14 Women Travel Blogs

Thank you to iVisa for including me and We Said Go Travel in their Top 14 Women Travel Blogs! Here is their list:

Breathe Dream Go

Breathe Dream Go is the name of a wonderful travel blog started by the respected Canadian writer, Mariellen Ward. After suffering a series of devastating losses and being disengaged with her work, Mariellen began to question how she could return to a happy lifestyle. She admirably escaped depression through yoga and breathing exercises and began to plan how she’d make her dream of traveling around India a reality.

Moving to India has been Mariellen’s best decision so far, not only because it allowed her to realize her dreams but also because it gave her a new family. Mariellen now inspires women all over the world to remember her mantra – breathe, dream, go – and her website makes it onto our list of Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016 because of the power of her story and the example it sets.

Both Mariellen and the Breathe Dream Go project have won multiple awards, and they both serve to let women know that traveling alone is a rewarding way to live because you never know what will happen. Her latest articles detail her adventures across Europe, Canada and India, and the fact she has plenty more trips planned for 2017 makes Breathedreamgo.com a blog to follow. Let Breathe Dream Go be a lesson that no matter how much you’re suffering now, you can always build a happier future.

Beyond Blighty

Arianwen Morris was encouraged to travel from a young age when her parents would take her on long hikes in some of Europe’s most scenic hotspots. This interest in travel from a young age manifested itself over the years until Arianwen eventually started her blog, Beyond Blighty, which details her adventure getaways in destinations spread across the globe. Arianwen admits she’s a bit of a wimp when it comes to partaking in activities with a risk factor, but life’s too short to hold her back. Because of doing the things she loves and facing her fears, Arianwen has participated in activities including canyoning, bungee jumping, jet packing, and hiking ice volcano footpaths. She is a true inspiration for all solo female travelers who want to escape their comfort zone and find out what life is like on the other side.

Among the multitude of reasons that puts beyondblighty.com on our list of Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016 is the fact that Arianwen is an advocate for responsible tourism and enjoys visiting remote areas to interact with and help the locals. She’s supported the locals in Luang Prabang, a temple-laden city of Laos, and she’s endorsed a range of social enterprises across the Southeast Asia region.

A true pioneer of solo women’s travel and adventure, we hope that Arianwen continues publishing encapsulating stories of her travels and top tips well beyond 2017. If you’re letting fear and worry hold you back, you need inspiration from the beautifully written blog posts at beyondblighty.com.

Heather on her Travels

Heather is the main star of Heatheronhertravels.com, a blog she uses to spread the word about how women can still enjoy a getaway alone or with friends without it affecting their relationships or careers. Heather may not live the nomadic lifestyle that some other travelers do, but she’s been all over the world and studied a variety of cultures that give her a unique insight into the world of travel. Nowadays, Heather spends a lot of time exploring the European continent, but she’s previously studied deforestation in Kenya, lived off the fruit of the land in Papa New Guinea and worked in Hong Kong. Though she values her time with her family above all else, she yearns to keep publishing wonderful stories of her adventures to share with the world.

In addition to running heatheronhertravels.com, Heather has a YouTube video, a Twitter account, and an email subscription – all of which she uses to show the world that traveling to new destinations, making new friends and experiencing new cultures truly broadens the mind. The list of holiday destinations on her website is endless, and that in-depth knowledge and insight are what makes heatheronhertravels.com a worthy addition to our list of the Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016.

Nowadays, Heather admits that she’s not sure whether she runs her blog to write about her adventures or continues to travel to fill her blog, but we certainly hope that both Heather’s thirst for exploration and desire to share her stories with the world continue indefinitely. If you’re a mom who’s finding your family is becoming increasingly independent, this is the inspirational blog you need to read.

Hole in the Donut

Barbara Weibel serves as an inspiration to both men and women in every nation on Earth, partly because she’s enjoyed multiple successful careers, including owning a PR firm, working in advertising, and selling ice cream cones to a large water park. Ultimately, though, the fact that she gave all that up to pursue her real desires of writing and traveling, is what draws followers. Barbara has seen almost everything throughout her life, and she knows more than most that you should do what makes you truly happy. She was raised to be a hard-working, independent individual, and avid travelers are glad she was because it led her to create holeinthedonut.com, a hugely respected travel blog that appeals to women travelers in particular.

Hole in the Donut is different to other blogs because Barbara prefers to spend extended periods of time in her chosen destinations to truly get to grips with a new culture and subsequently share her inspiring stories with the online traveling world. Though Barbara has now been traveling for years, she eventually sold her apartment in 2009 after realizing she spent far more time exploring than she did at home. Thanks to Barbara’s amazing ability to tell a captivating, spiritual story, embrace new cultures and lend herself to any environment, holeinthedonut.com is now followed by thousands of global travelers.

Though many travelers can boast visiting dozens of countries, not many have immersed themselves in the local culture to the same extent as Barbara, so make sure you follow Hole in the Donut if you want to learn a thing or two about the world we all share.

We Said Go Travel

We Said Go Travel is more of an online travel community than solo traveler’s blog, though the founder, Lisa Niver, has an incredible story to tell. Lisa was a 2012 nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, but what we admire about her the most is the fact she’s visited over 95 countries and created a travel blog that attracts over 200,000 readers per year. In addition to blogging, publishing excellent writers through competitions and lending her expertise to the likes of National Geographic and USA Today, Lisa enjoys making videos of her adventures to supplement her articles and boasts over a million views across various platforms. Perhaps the most admirable thing about Lisa is that she endorses a variety of other travel blogs for women instead of trying to garner all the attention for herself.

Thanks to the diverse range of topics covered at wesaidgotravel.com, readers can find out the whereabouts of the best family getaway destinations, gain an insight into scuba diving in Bonaire, and learn how to improve their photography skills. On top of everything, Lisa holds regular writing competitions to give aspiring travel bloggers a chance to make a name for themselves.

We Said Go Travel is a site that captivates readers, inspires travelers to push their limits and gives writers the opportunity to tell their story, which is why it enjoys a place on our list of the Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016.

A Lady in London

A Lady in London was created by an expat from San Francisco that left her job managing a hedge fund to traverse the globe. Before she, who we’ll affectionately refer to as Lady, became a full-time writer for her travel blog, aladyinlondon.com, Lady worked in several US embassies in Europe before deciding to settle in London with no job plan and no worries. She started her travel blog in 2007 and turned it into a full-time job in 2010. To date, Lady has visited over 102 countries with ambitions to cross many more off her checklist over the years. Thanks to her vast travels, encounters with other nations and thorough understanding of international relations, Lady has ensured her website deserves a place on our Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016 and will no doubt continue to keep readers updated with her latest escapades.

Apart from sharing the stories of her adventures, Lady offers a fantastic service to expats looking to organize the travel itinerary of a lifetime, and she’s in the perfect position to provide recommendations and top travel tips. Lady has also released several eBooks, regularly attends and speaks at events, and encourages all women with a thirst for travel to explore the world and pursue their dreams. We can only look forward to seeing where Lady heads to next, and we’ll hopefully hear all about her adventures by keeping up-to-date with her highly regarded travel blog.

Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alexandra Kovacova, otherwise known as Saska at home in Slovakia or Alex abroad, is the Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler, and she’s a true woman of the world after having lived in six countries with ambitions to try many more. Alex started traveling around Eastern Europe with her family as a youngster and has never been able to – or wanted – to shake off the travel fever. Her website, crazysexyfuntraveler.com, offers an insight into what living – rather than just holidaying – in other countries is like, and so far, she’s lived in Slovakia, Scotland, Spain, Mexico, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

Alex tells travelers how they can stay healthy while on the move, and she’s not afraid to post sexy pictures of her explorations. She’s a trained fitness instructor, adventure lover and has a great fondness for raw vegan food. Crazysexyfuntraveler.com deserves a place on our Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016 because of Alex’s passion for travel, in-depth reviews of spa and fitness treatments abroad and her sense of adventure that has had her doing all kind of crazy things, such as scuba diving with whales and practicing mud yoga in the Dead Sea.

We love the [Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler (https://www.crazysexyfuntraveler.com/) because of her innate ability to seemingly blend with new cultures, practicing and teaching yoga wherever she goes. With her desire to live in as many countries as possible, regularly post fantastic photos and meet as many new people as possible, we’re confident crazysexyfuntraveler.com is a blog to subscribe to in 2017.

Mums Do Travel

Mums Do Travel chronicles the adventures of Gretta Schifano, an award-winning blogger who loves nothing more than her family and travel. She regularly goes on getaways with her husband and children, but she also makes time to travel by herself. Gretta is more of a luxury traveler than a backpacker, and that means she can offer lots of advice on how to enjoy a holiday in style with and without the family. Though she’s drawn to the likes of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, she’s happy to make compromises and head to the water park when traveling with her family. However, she always makes time to inject a little luxury into her trip – and post her stories online so that you can find out how to follow in her footsteps.

The fact that she’s a trained and experienced journalist makes Gretta an excellent writer and storyteller, which is why her wonderful blog features on the Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016. Readers can find many travel tips for destinations around the UK, Europe, and North America at mumsdotravel.com, but she’s also detailed her trips to other parts of the world. Her recent escapades have taken her to Indonesia and Portugal, and you shouldn’t miss her last article if you’re planning to take the kids on vacation to London. As a blogger who cares about kindness and giving, there’s also a variety of competitions on mumsdotravel.com for those who want to win some traveling goodies.

Vicky Flip Flop Travels

VickyFlipFlop is a true inspiration to solo female travelers because even though she loves enjoying a getaway with her friends, she’s never let being a single woman hold her back from exploring the world. She’s extremely honest and down to earth in her writing, admitting that her travels are about seeing the world rather than saving it. Through her posts and pictures on vickyflipflop.com, VickyFlipFlop has made it her mission to inspire others to follow in her footsteps and make the most of travel, whether it’s a weekend off work, a year-long sabbatical or a switch to the international nomadic lifestyle. Thanks to her no-holds-barred sense of adventure and fantastic, quirky writing style, VickyFlipFlop has ensured her website deserves a spot on our list of Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016.

VickyFlipFlop goes on a diverse range of adventures, from splashing out on a Coachella road trip to traveling around Vietnam for two weeks with a budget of £300, meaning travelers can gain an insight into luxury getaways and vacations on a shoestring budget. Her philosophy is that a modest wage and work commitments don’t need to hold anybody back from traveling the world, which is why she serves as a huge inspiration to all aspiring travelers.

More Time to Travel

Irene S. Levine is a baby boomer whose long and distinguished career includes being a psychologist and health professional and working for over ten years in research and communication, but she’s now turned her talents to the world of travel writing. She’s received numerous awards for her work published in various magazines and on moretimetotravel.com, which is an accurate reflection of the quality of her writing. Irene sets out to inspire those who have hit their midlife milestone to get out there and see the world because time simply goes too fast to wait. Though Irene has a taste for a little luxury, she knows how to travel in style without breaking the bank, which is why the More Time to Travel blog is a must-read for all aspiring baby boom travelers.

On Irene’s website, readers can find sections dedicated to spa and wellness treatments as well as food and wine to demonstrate how to inject luxury into their getaways, though there are many tips on where and how to make a saving. During 2016, Irene visited Portugal, Bermuda, South Carolina, Florida, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico and more, and she’s made many more travel plans for 2017.

Irene serves as a delightful reminder that there’s never an excuse to stop traveling. Travel broadens the mind no matter what your age or how wise you are, and we’re confident that moretimetotravel.com promises to be an enthralling read throughout 2017.

Glamour Granny Travels

Piegsa-Quischotte is a German-born baby boomer, ex-international attorney, fine travel writer and photographer, and the founder of glamourgrannytravels.com. Her website is dedicated to telling those who think they’re past the days of traveling that they couldn’t be more wrong, and she knows how to enjoy a holiday just about anywhere in style. On Glamour Granny Travels, readers will find tips on travel fashion, beauty, how to stay safe when traveling, and – of course – where the best locations for solo female travelers are. She’s both traveled to and lived in a variety of countries around the world, making her the perfect guru for top travel advice for the female community.

Even though Piegsa-Quischotte calls herself a granny, she’s no stranger to adventure holidays. She’s created a bucket list of must-do outdoor adventures, rode a motorbike along Daytona Beach, hiked a mountain in Oman and toured London in a retro chic MINI. However, despite her unquenchable sense of adventure, Piegsa-Quischotte knows how to unwind by looking fantastic and enjoying luxurious stays in high-end hotels in nations such as Turkey. Because baby boomers can’t help being inspired by the journeys of the Glamour Granny, glamourgrannytravels.com has a worthy place on our list of Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016.

We love this website because it shows that those who’ve worked their entire lives despite being born in an era of depression deserve to reap the rewards of their hard work, and nobody does it better than Piegsa-Quischotte. We all look forward to seeing what adventures the Glamour Granny has in store for 2017.

Thrilling Travel

Ami Baht, also known as the Restless Ball of Energy, is a female traveler who has a talent for tracking down the world’s best heritage destinations. She’s a big believer that you don’t always need to travel to the other side of the world to enjoy a fantastic adventure, which is why she always has plans for making the most of a weekend at home. Ami is also not a traveler with a strict checklist of vacations and will happily visit the same destination multiple times if it gave her a thrill. She was born to be a traveler, and her proud daughter can’t seem to sit still for too long either. Because of Ami’s yearning to travel the world and document her experiences as she goes, thrillingtravel.in deserves a place on our Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016.

Ami’s recent adventures have taken her along the River Seine in Paris, to the tri-colored beaches of Padar Island in Indonesia, white water rafting through south and west India and driving a seakart in the seas of Mauritius. She’s jetted off around the world to see a huge variety of natural and man-made wonders, such as the temples of Belur and the beautiful deserts of Rajasthan, India. We love thrilllingtravel.in because it’s a reminder that travel can be enjoyed anywhere, even if it’s on your doorstep, and we’ll no doubt learn a lot more about how to travel like Ami as she continues to update her award-winning blog with gripping articles and stunning photos.

The Diary of a Jewellery Lover

Mel is the founder of thediaryofajewellerylover.com and has a mission to drink an afternoon tea in every major city in the world. Mel is passionate about luxury travel, and she always looks stylish as she heads to new destinations around the world. Mel loves her cozy home in South Wales and particularly enjoys traveling around the UK, Europe, and North America, though she’s more than open to visiting exotic destinations in other continents. On her website, you’ll find lots of unmissable travel fashion tips as well as advice on where to find the most delicious restaurants in town. Mel certainly won’t pass up an opportunity to dine at a Michelin-starred restaurant, but she also loves to eat at any diner that cooks their food with love.

As Mel’s website’s name suggests, she loves her jewelry, which is why you’ll find top tips for taking your jewelry abroad and how to keep everything safe and secure. Readers can learn about some of the most revered hotels in each destination Mel visits, such as The Corinthia Hotel in Budapest, The Hotel Ambria Cortina in the Italian Alps, the Fishmore Hall Hotel, Spa and Restaurant in the English country of Shropshire, and the Bluestone in her home country of Wales. If you’re a female traveler looking for fashion ideas, destination advice, hotel reviews and luxurious getaway ideas, you need to mark thediaryofajewellerylover.co.uk as one of your favorite websites.

Luxury Columnist

Suze, or the Luxury Columnist as she’s more commonly known in the traveling community, is an avid world traveler with a soft spot for anything luxurious. Her website offers fantastic tips and ideas for finding delicious restaurants, elegant hotels, amazing destinations, and the latest fashion trends. Suze’s mission is to help everybody inject a little luxury into their lives, both at home and while traveling, and her website successfully shows people how they can do the same. Suze has a talent for finding the lesser-known places in large cities such as Paris and Rome, and she provides excellent reviews and stories of adventures including a hot air balloon ride over the English countryside and what it’s like to attend the London Fashion Week.

Various companies have acknowledged luxury Columnist as one of the best online luxury travel blogs, and Suze keeps it regularly updated so that readers can see what she’s up to and learn from her exciting experiences. Suze recently enjoyed a luxurious skiing holiday in the Swiss Alps, and she went on cultural excursions and tasted the local delights in Florida. She’s also offered some great tips for making the most of two days in Bangkok, how to celebrate the New Year in style in Dublin, and why you should try kayaking the Everglades in Florida.

Suze and her website, luxurycolumnist.com, deserves mention on our list of Top Women Travel Blogs of 2016 because she has a real talent for sharing all things luxury travel related, and her top tips and advice are invaluable to aspiring travelers. Make sure you keep updated with the Luxury Columnist to learn how to enjoy all the world has to offer in style.


As you can see from the fantastic blogs mentioned above, anybody can travel around the world no matter where they’re from, how much money they have in the bank, the number of children they have at home or their work commitments. If you’re unsure of whether you can embrace the travel bug and leave your comfort zone, become inspired by checking out the stories and advice detailed by the best travel bloggers of 2016. Travel gives people a new admiration for the world and the diverse range of cultures it provides a home to, and once you’ve left your belongings behind to experience all the world has to offer, you’ll never look back. Read the blogs above, be inspired, and pack your bags to enjoy life as a world nomad.

Thank you to iVisa for including me and We Said Go Travel in their

Top 14 Women Travel Blogs!

Learn more about me and my site on THE JET SET TV:

The post Who are the Top 14 Women Travel Blogs of 2016? appeared first on We Said Go Travel.

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