Pastor Brandon Andersen
Pastor Jerry Austin
Pastor Zach Bolen
Pastor Joel Brown
Pastor Dave Bruskas
Pastor Adam Christiansen
Pastor Josh Clayton
Pastor David Cox
Pastor Joe Day
Pastor Mark Driscoll
Pastor Mark Dunford
Pastor Cliff Ellis
Pastor David Fairchild
Pastor Alex Ghioni
Pastor Aaron Gray
Pastor Matthias Haeusel
Pastor AJ Hamilton
Pastor Scott Harris
Pastor Drew Hensley
Pastor Thomas Hurst
Pastor Cam Huxford
Pastor Anthony Ianniciello
Pastor Bubba Jennings
Pastor Matt Johnson
Pastor Ryan Kearns
Pastor Dustin Kensrue
Pastor Andrew Lisi
Pastor Alfredo Lobaina
Pastor Cliff Low
Pastor Aaron Mead
Pastor Donovan Medina
Pastor Andy Phipps
Pastor Phil Poirier
Pastor Tim Quiring
Pastor Adam Ramsey
Pastor Matt Rogers
Pastor Paul Rohrbaugh
Pastor James Rose
Pastor Gary Shavey
Pastor Bill Simmonds
Pastor Jason Skelton
Pastor Phil Smidt
Pastor Tim Smith
Pastor Jim Tomisser
Pastor Steve Tompkins
Pastor Sutton Turner
Pastor Matt Wallace
Pastor Ryan Welsh
Pastor Mike Wilkerson
Pastor Ryan Williams
Pastor Seth Winterhalter
That's 51 names there. Let's look back to the announcement that Paul Tripp was joining some board.
... At Mars Hill Church, we love Jesus and our people very much. We also want to be good stewards with everyone and everything that Jesus has entrusted to us. With 15 churches across 5 states, 64 elders/pastors (27 unpaid), 54 elder/pastor candidates in process (nearly all unpaid), 614 deacons (517 unpaid)
All right, so we've got 51 names listed and a mention to 64 elders, 27 of whom are unpaid. Where are the missing 13? These would buy guys who function as pastors and are recognized as such by Mars Hill but not necessarily named to the public. This is one of those opportunities for people to jump in with comments and, ideally, have some way to establish a basis for statements about who is a pastor at Mars Hill that may not be in the listed 51 but would be in the 64.
No cookie for you if you guessed Jamie Munson.
So, anyone have any insights who the missing 13 might be?