Trefhedyn Garden Centre resides on the main retail street in Newcastle Emlyn. It is a real emporium of garden and pet products that can enthrall you for hours.
Many of the plants come from their own nursery. Trefhedyn Nursery was started in 1976 with a couple of green houses behind the owners home.This was in response to the difficulty they were experiencing in obtaining plants to sell. There was a reluctance on the part of wholesalers to deliver so far afield. The Trefhedyn Nursery site occupies 1 and half acres and is at Maes y Meillion near Prengwyn. The public can buy direct but it’s a working Nursery. Prices are the same as in our shop.
By growing our own plants we can control quality and prices. We also cut down on transportation cost
One of the most important things that makes Trefhedyn such a wonderful place is the service from the staff who are so knowledgeable and is shown in the Hedging Notes below
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Tel: +44 (0) 1239 710292
Facebook: Trefhedyn Garden Centre
Below is our extensive range of bare root hedge plants, many of these are native. Bare root plants are the most economical & traditional way to plant a hedge. Please note that bare root hedge plants are only available from November-April.
We strongly recommend using rootgrow™ to enhance & hasten establishment of young bare root plants.
Hawthorn(Quickthorn) Crataegus Monogyna: Hawthorn is a traditional, fast-growing, thorny, native hedge which produces scented white flowers followed by red haws in the autumn. The hedge becomes very thick and dense in a short period of time, hence the name. Hawthorn is a very hardy hedge & is useful in coastal areas & exposed sites. Will also tolerate damp areas.To obtain a thick hedge we advise you to plant 5-7 plants per metre.
Blackthorn Prunus Spinosa: Blackthorn is a dense, prickly, deciduous and tall thorn hedge which is ideal for windy areas. Blackthorn will grow in all soils, except waterlogged soil, but it is not suitable for shady areas. White flowers blossom early in the year & are followed by sloes in the autumn for October-November harvesting. To obtain a thick hedge we advise you to plant 5-7 plants per metre.
Hazel Corylus Avellana: Hazel is a large, fast growing hedge which produces long, yellow catkins followed by edible nuts in the autumn. Hazel tolerates shade & windy/exposed sites, & will grow in moist soils. Ideal to plant with Thorn. To obtain a thick hedge we advise you to plant 7 plants per metre.
Beech Fagus Sylvatica: Beech is a slow-growing, native but dense hedge which offers superb foliage all though winter.It is deciduous but if trimmed annually in August the leaves will usually be retained in a dry state throughout most of the winter. Beech tolerates most soils except heavy clay. Copper Beech is best planted in full sun to retain the colour. Beech is best planted in sheltered sites, away from frost pockets. To obtain a thick hedge we advise you to plant 7 plants per metre.
Privet Ligustrum: Privet is a traditional, evergreen hedge which bears glossy foliage. Privet will tolerate most soil types apart from wet locations. Ideal as a screen for privacy or as a windbreak. We advise you to plant 5 plants to the metre.
Rosa Rugosa: Rosa Rugosa is a rapid growing, dense, deciduous and prickly hedge which produces highly scented pink, white or red flowers in the summer, followed by hips. Rosa Rugosa will grow in most soils apart from waterlogged areas. An ideal hedging plant for coastal areas. Ideal to prevent unwanted visitors in the garden.
Norway Spruce Picea abies: Norway Spruce is a traditional christmas tree & forms a fast-growing, evergreen hedge which thrives in many soil types, especially acidic soils. Norway Spruce is suitable for windy/exposed sites but is not suitable for coastal & waterlogged areas.
Hornbeam Carpinus Betulus: Hornbeam is a hardy, native, semi-evergreen hedging plant. It is similar to Beech however it tolerates poor soils & exposed sites better than Beech. Hornbeam is suitable for wet & clay soils but it is not suitable for coastal areas.
Crab Apple Malus: Malus produces a colourful hedge – pink flowers emerge from red buds in the spring & crab apples appear in the autumn. Malus is a native, hardy, deciduous hedge & will tolerate dry & exposed areas. Best grown in full sun.
Alder Alnus Glutinosa: Alder is a fast-growing, native, deciduous hedge which bears glossy leaves followed by woody cones in the autumn. Alder grows best in moist/wet soils & will tolerate all soil types except from very chalky soil. Grows well in coastal areas. Alder keeps its leaves quite late, often until November.
Silver Birch Betula Pendula: A fast-growing, native, deciduous hedge. Silver Birch prefers light, free-draining soil & copes well in exposed sites.
Sea Buckthorn Hippophae: A fast-growing, native, deciduous, thorny plant which thrives by the sea. Hippophae is suitable for shady, dry & exposed areas. It produces masses of orange berries in the autumn suitable for making marmalade.
Oak Quercus: Oak makes an excellent hedge especially in coastal areas. Oak provides a good windbreak but it is not suitable for cold, inland areas.
Need help finding the right hedge?
Wet sites(not waterlogged): Alder, Silver Birch, Ash, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Hornbeam, Oak
Dry/Sandy Sites: Field Maple, Hornbeam, Privet, Silver Birch, Sweet Chestnut, Sea Buckthorn
Chalky Soil: Ash, Beech, Field Maple, Horse Chestnut, Hornbeam, Privet, Silver Birch
Windy/Exposed Sites: Ash, Beech, Blackthorn, Alder, Hawthorn, Hornbeam, Oak, Sea Buckthorn, Silver Birch, Hazel, Malus, Norway Spruce
Coastal Areas: Ash, Alder, Blackthorn, Field Maple, Hawthorn, Privet, Sea Buckthorn, Sweet Chestnut, Rosa Rugosa, Oak
Fast-growing: Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Hazel, Alder, Silver Birch, Rosa Rugosa, Norway Spruce, Sea Buckthorn
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