
We send a weekly newsletter focused on a single-topic related to preserving, cooking, local food, foraging, gardening or something else.  Our goal with the newsletter is “to be the most useful resource in your inbox.”  The newsletter includes links to many other websites with ideas sharing knowledge about the topic as well as original content, announcements and occasional contests from us as well.  As an added bonus we send all subscribers the link to a file for labels that Dana hand-designed so you can print your own designer labels to decorate your jars. You can sign up for the newsletter here. Every Wednesday we share the links from the previous weeks newsletter as we know that some of you would prefer to read these on the site and that sharing the links here increases the reach/ exposure of many of the writers working so hard to share their passions. Here are the links from last weeks newsletter which focused on canning:


National Center for Home Food Preservation This is the number one resource for safe canning advice.  It’s not pretty but it’s full of great content and easy to navigate.

40 Preserving Links: Beginner Tips, Pro Tricks and Canning with Honey (Simple Bites) A fantastic resource for people of all skill-sets; this article has 40 links to submerge yourself into the world of canning.

Canning 101 (Food in Jars)  Food in Jars is a resource that almost defines description. It’s full of amazing recipes, giveaways and more.  This series (Canning 101) is possibly the best series of canning how-to’s on the Internet.

Punk Domestics  Looking for recipes?  This stunning project compiles preserving recipes from all across the Internet and displays them in multiple categories and ways to find.  It’s kind of like a visual-Google for preserving recipes.


How do I Can? (National Center for Home Food Preservation).  The fundamentals of canning.

USDA Home Canning Guides (Canning Pantry).  A series of .PDFs sharing the USDA standards for safety and canning.

Home Canning Safety (Government of Canada)  Our Canadian Equivalent of the guides above.

Canning for Dummies (Cupcake Rehab). Marilla wrote this awesome guide that’s incredibly detailed (and more visual) that walks you through everything you need to know to can!

Learn to Preserve (Brook Hurst Stephens) Brook dedicates her site to demystifying canning.  Her site is upbeat, friendly and accessible.  And bright!

Home Canning (Eat Right Ontario) A guide to the fundamentals.  It’s as academic as the articles on the top but shorter.

The Basics of Home Canning (Government of Manitoba). This is a .PDF so it’s easily readable off-line as well


Toronto Tasting Notes (Sarah B. Hood)  Sarah is amazing.  She’s a marmalade freak and wrote a great book (We Sure Can!) on preserving and the community across the world that’s part of it.

Hip Girl’s Guide to Homemaking (Kate Payne)  We met Kate a few years ago when she was on her first book tour and stayed at our house for a few days.  She’s just published her second book and shares a lot of canning recipes on her site (she is also gluten-free for those who are looking for reliable gluten-free recipes)

Living Homegrown (Theresa Loe) I only know Theresa from Twitter but she is awesome.  Her site has lots of canning information including her recent article on 5 Secrets to Successful Canning.

Hungry Tigress (Tigress) Tigress no longer updates this site but she deserves much of the credit for bringing this community back. In 2010 she convinced almost 100 bloggers to partake in a year-long ‘can jam‘ – more than 1,000 recipes were curated and linked from her site to each of us.  I know most of the people on this list because of that event.

Laundry, etc (Gloria Nicol) Gloria is an amazing author and blogger from the UK.  I love seeing her ideas as many of them are slightly different than I see in North America so her perspective is often ‘fresh’ to me.

Local Kitchen (Kaela Porter)  If Kaela’s not the funniest person on the Internet, then she’s in the top percentile.  She’s also in elite company when it comes to photography skills.  And cooking.  And Writing.  She’s a rare talent and her site is one of my absolute favourites.  Like us, she’s not shy to preserve with booze.

The Preserved Life (Julia) Julia had another blog named What Julia Ate.  Julia’s passion for preserving makes it accessible, friendly and fun.  I love her writing style and, although it’s fairly recent, her new blog is off to a great start.

Hitchhiking to Heaven (Shae)  Shae is in California and has a bounty of food to preserve that makes me jealous.  She also gets some ingredients in the west coast that we don’t get here so she allows me to live vicariously through her writing a bit.

Grow and Resist (Meg Brown)  Meg’s in Seattle.  She’s an expert gardener, tends to her own chickens and preserves.  Her writing is cheeky, honest and clear.  When I read her writing I feel like she’s talking one-on-one to me.

Small Measure (Ashley English)  Dana and I have admired Ashely’s work for longer than I can remember.  She has written a stunning about of books (including one on canning).  Ashley shows how an entire lifestyle can be made with canning, chickens, honey and more.  She’s just awesome – and so is her blog.

Mrs Wheelbarrow’s Kitchen (Cathy Barrow)  Cathy is a force to be reckoned with – in the best way possible!  She writes for the New York Times, launched Charcutepalooza (similar to the can jam but for charcuterie). She also does a lot of jam and pickles and has an entire section of her site dedicated to Tomato Canning.

Manning Canning (Christine Manning)  Christine is a Toronto-based jam and pickle-maker who has also become a friend. I love the fact that she continues to make time so create and share recipes when her income depends on selling jars of product.

Saving the Season (Kevin West).  Kevin published his first book last year (the same name as his website) and I feel deeply in love.  He has a friendly writing style that fuses with a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of preserving; it’s an awesome combination that will inspire you to learn more…and more… and more… about preserving.


Is this Safe to Eat? Questions on Canning and Preserving We look at the statistics of safety and home canning.  The stats are surprising.

The Multiple Problems Around Advice on Tomato Sauce A different look at safety and the problems of blindly trusting sources on the Internet.  Here’s why.

High-Acid, Low-Acid, Pressure-can or Waterbath? The Fundamental Canning Question Understanding the difference between the two and what that means when canning.

What is Syphoning? You load a batch of pickles into the canner and when you pull them out they appear to have  what to do?

Quick Tip for Jar Seals This is one of my all-time favourite tips and I use it every time I can.

I Coulda Been a Contenda….Broken Mason Jars Jars break on occasion (we’ve broken 5 or 6 in 10 years).  Why does it happen and how to avoid?

How to Stop Pickles and Fruit from Floating when Canning This is one of the most common questions we get; here’s our simple trick to help.

Canning Archive The articles above and more (including hundreds of recipes)

The post appeared first on WellPreserved.ca.

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