
You know I love dabbling in vintage fashion design, right? I’ve always fancied having the chance to design my own retro-inspired fashion collection and I think I might have found the inspiration to do just that!

I came across this course which teaches you not only how to draw (using fabulously easy templates), but also gives you advice about the fashion industry, helps you assess your business idea and generally how to price and market your own fashion line.

I’m wondering though: once you’ve designed your collection do you then produce it yourself or approach somebody else about producing it for you? I guess this is probably all in the ‘How to start your own Fashion Line’ book which you get as part of the pack. Personally I don’t think I have the nimble fingers needed to actually make the clothes…

Lots of stores stock fashions which are reminiscent of the 1950s and 60s, but I’d love to create a collection based around the styles of the 1930s and 40s which were so beautifully elegant! Lots of high-waisted wide-legged trousers with cute button details, low backed long evening dresses and some gorgeous hats. My brain is practically exploding with ideas!

Of course, you could learn to draw the figures yourself, but I’ve been down that route already. I bought myself a book which teaches you all about anatomy and how to use that knowlege to draw amazing fashion figures – but it takes a *long time* and a lot of practice to perfect the techniques and I simply don’t have the free time or patience to spend months learning to draw.

I have to be honest: I’m pretty lazy and when the muse takes me I just want to get on and design some clothes – you need to be able to take advantage of inspiration when it strikes, right?

Take a look, I think the templates look really easy to use:

Anyone care to join me in my quest to become a retro fashion designer? Come on, it’ll be fun, and it course only costs $47 so it’s got to be worth a try! Let me know in the comments if you fancy trying this too – maybe we can share designs and ideas, it would be great to know other people who fancy doing the same thing!

If you’d like to you can find more information about this course here.

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