
As Marvin Humes and wife Rochelle Wiseman are revealed as the new hosts of This Morning, the new dad and ex-JLS heartthrob still maintains that getting married was one of the happiest days of his life. So what are his top tips for being the perfect groom and having a big day to remember? Read on to find out!

Get involved

“Don’t leave it all up to your bride. Get involved, it’s fun! We were lucky to have a wedding planner to help, but my areas of expertise were the music, performers and the catering. Just get involved in the exciting stuff, let your missus deal with flowers and dresses! The food tasting is the best part, trying all the wines, Champagnes and cocktails – we were steaming by the end!”

Keep suits smart and simple

“Our style was quick, simple and easy. We just had black tie as a theme, and I had a white tuxedo to make me stand out. I picked all my groomsmen’s suits – all 11 of them! I was pretty hands on because I wanted them all to match, even down to their boxer shorts. Boxers and socks were the same designer, the same colour… the same everything.”

Include your mates

“Choose the people who know you the best. Most of the time your best man is your best friend, your brother, or your dad. For me it was my best friend. Let your fiancée pick her bridesmaids first and then try to make the numbers match up. Groomsmen are people who’ve played major parts in your life over the years. I picked my brothers, bandmates, close friends and Rochelle’s two cousins.”

The key to a happy marriage

“Do exactly what you did before you got married, maintain that communication, that spark and be spontaneous. Stay in a hotel one night, take your missus away for the weekend, always talk to each other, do what you were doing when you were dating. Just because you’re now married, don’t sit at home, have date nights. We do once a week, every week. Keep it fresh and exciting.”

Marvin’s tips for delivering the perfect wedding speech

“You need to make sure you are well rehearsed,” says the star. “I started planning my wedding speech about three months before the big day. Think of things to say about your best man, your bride, meeting your father-in-law for the first time and her friends.”

It’s perfectly normal for a groom to be nervous about his speech. It’s far less painful on the day than you might imagine, especially with Marvin’s top tips…

Avoid using a microphone – it confuses matters and adds more pressure. Just speak loudly and clearly, focus on a spot at the back of the room.

Put notes on small cards, not a big sheet of paper – this will reduce any noticeable hand shaking. Number each card in the corner, if you accidentally drop them it’ll be easier to work out what order they’re in.

Don’t drink too much alcohol beforehand thinking it will calm your nerves, it’ll make you more fidgety.

Remember, everyone’s willing you to do well, so try to enjoy the moment.

We’ve got even more fail-safe wedding speech tips from real-life grooms right here. And if you’re a bride thinking about giving a speech, you need to watch this!

The post Marvin Humes reveals how to be the perfect groom appeared first on Wedding Ideas.

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