Civil Ceremony Wedding Script
Hi Hive! If you’ve customized your wedding ceremony, you know just how hard it is to find the perfect words. We want to make the process a little easier by paying it forward to future brides and grooms by sharing our wedding ceremony scripts with the hive.
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Feel free to include any other details that you think are important.
On that note, today we’re sharing Mrs. Hot Wings’ civil ceremony wedding script. The Hot Wings got married on the beach, with a relatively short but meaningful wedding that opened with a somber reminder that as recently as 1967, it was not legal for Asian Americans and Whites to marry in some parts of the United States, and their wishes for the future of the state of marriage in the U.S. Without further ado, Mr. and Mrs. Hot Wings’ civil ceremony wedding script.
Photo: Hanssie Trainor
Welcome, family, friends, and loved ones. You have been invited here this afternoon to share in the celebration of Mr and Miss Hot Wings’ marriage. This ceremony has two purposes.
First, by stating their vows to one another in the presence of friends and family, Mr and Miss Hot Wings have chosen to share their promises to one another with you. You are their community—the people who have played an important role in their lives, and the people who they hope will be a part of their lives in the years to come. Today, we honor them by sharing in their public expression of their commitment to one another. Your presence here today shows your love for Mr and Miss Hot Wings and your support of their decision to marry.
Second, participation in this ceremony serves a legal purpose. When this ceremony concludes and the marriage license has been signed, Mr and Miss Hot Wings will have satisfied the legal requirements of the State of California for two people to marry one another. Mr and Miss Hot Wings would like their guests to be mindful of the fact that as recently as 1967, it was not legal for Asian Americans and Whites to marry in some parts of the United States. They are grateful that this time in our country’s history is behind us and that today they have the legal right to wed one another. They remain hopeful that one day all citizens of this country will enjoy this same legal right regardless of their sexual orientation.
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Our Ceremony
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