
Registering for your wedding is one of the most enjoyable aspects of your engagement. While the rest of the weeks and days leading up to your wedding are about minute little details regarding lace, flowers, cake, dresses, and getting the invitations out on time, your registry is all about making choices about the items you’ll use to live your life together as a married couple. Though it’s important (and fun) to go through the store and pick what speaks to you both as you’re shopping, there are certain things that you don’t want to forget about as you’re clicking the registry gun. Here are 10 items not to forget about as you fill out your wedding registry.

1. Toolkit

While this registry item certainly isn’t the most exciting of things to get, it’s one of the most important. Most couples may start out with a random hammer and a bag full of random nails and screws, which is perfectly fine for small apartment living. However, you’ll without-a-doubt grow into the toolkit when you eventually buy a home or move into a bigger place, so it’s good to be prepared for all of life’s little fix-it moments with a toolkit. Keep one in the spare closet, or even in your car, for emergencies

2. Luggage

Even if you’re not jet-setting off to Paris the moment you say “I do” doesn’t mean that at some point in your marriage you won’t need good quality luggage. With luggage, it’s best not to go cheap because they can really go through some wear and tear after being checked and thrown onto the baggage claim belt. Registering for wedding gifts is the opportunity to ask for quality items, so don’t be afraid to go for the good stuff.

3. Pie Pans (Multiple)

A pie pan may be an obvious choice for a registry, but multiple pie pans is what brides often forget about. Chances are that when you are asked to make the pies for Thanksgiving that you will need more than one pie pan, and by the time that you realize that you only have one, all of the stores will be closed. So, do yourself a favor and register for more than one (and thank us later when you’re cool and calm before your first big holiday as a married couple).

4. Blender

If you don’t already have a blender, or your blender has seen better days, don’t forget to put this item down on your registry. Besides the obvious smoothies and piña coladas, it can also be used to whip up pancake batter, eggs, or sift dry ingredients when you’re baking. Again, go for the really high quality blenders, as the cheaper ones tend to have motor problems and just generally wear out quickly.

5. Dutch oven

A Dutch oven isn’t something that you’ll necessarily use every day (though you certainly could), but it’ll come in handy in the winter months when you’re craving hearty meals like roasted chicken or beef. The Dutch oven is a truly versatile tool of the kitchen and can be used to make bread, giant skillet cookies, pastas, soups, and anything else you could imagine.

6. Oven-to-Table Cookware

If there’s one thing that people often forget to mention about being married, it is just how many dinner parties you will be attending or hosting as a couple. When you’re prepping something for hosting or for a potluck that you’re invited to, there’s nothing worse when you’re stuck bringing your passionately prepared dish in a bunch of Tupperware. Registering for oven-to-table cookware ensures that you’ll be able to cook, store, and deliver food all in one chic package.

7. Rice Cooker

Fans of stir fry nights and chicken fried rice simply must register for a rice cooker. Instant rice just isn’t as tasty, and there’s nothing more maddening than waiting for the water to boil on the stove the old-fashioned way when you’re trying to coordinate cooking a whole meal. Rice cookers are easy to clean and will cook your rice with restaurant-quality precision.

8. Meat Thermometer

When the day finally comes and it’s your turn to host Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, you are going to pat yourself on the back for remembering to register for a meat thermometer. It takes all the guesswork out of cooking the bird and other large cuts of meat so that you can ensure a safely prepared and delicious outcome each time.

9. Magnetic Spice Jars

Though magnetic spice jars may seem kitschy, they can be a lifesaver in a small apartment. Spice racks are nice, but they take up a lot of valuable real estate on the kitchen counter. Plus, bulk spices are always cheaper than jarred, making these little items a money and space saving initiative.

10. Cheese Grater

The cheese grater is the unsung hero of the kitchen. You use it for nearly every meal (or you should—in our opinion), and it has a huge amount of durability. Don’t forget to put this important tool on your registry list!





Jamie Birdwell-Branson


Santa Barbara, CA


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The post Don’t Forget to Add These 10 Items to Your Wedding Registry appeared first on Weddingbee.

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