
I interrupt your regularly-scheduled bloggers to bring you the following news: the Blue Whales have been married for ONE YEAR! Is that crazy or what?

Don’t know who I am? That’s OK. Here’s a reminder:

The Blue Whales are a fun-loving couple that adores music, sugar, and general silliness. We were married at Southern Tree Plantation in Blairsville, GA during a gorgeous spring afternoon. (Check out all the recaps here.)

That picture looks so serious. I need some color in my life.

I have seriously missed blogging for the ‘Bee since the wedding. (Actually, I’ve seriously missed blogging in general, but I only have myself to blame for that. One of these days I’ll get it together and start blogging again.)

So what have we been up to since you last heard from me?

Truthfully, we’ve just been living life day by day. I got a job, and it’s awesome. Mr. Whale is almost finished with school. The most exciting thing we’ve done is to relive our honeymoon. What does that mean? Well, out of nowhere, we got the opportunity to go back to Canada this March, and we just couldn’t pass up the chance!

Winter in Canada is a different animal than summer in Canada. But it was just as beautiful and just as fun.

We saw lots of snow and frozen landscapes.

We went snowshoeing.

Taking a break from snowshoeing to enjoy some hot chocolate and some very green St. Patrick’s Day cookies

We went tubing.


It’s kind of cold in Canada.

We drank beer.

That’s allllll mine.

We ate at the Grizzly House again, and this time I tried the “exotic” meal. (Shark, rattlesnake, kangaroo, ostrich, venison, buffalo, frog legs. I have to admit—rattlesnake was far more delicious than I anticipated.)

We hiked Johnston Canyon again to see the (frozen this time) waterfalls!

It was almost unrecognizable. (How crazy is it that I took the exact same picture on two different trips? This was not planned. I just happened to have two photos from the same angle.)

Summer versus winter at Johnston Canyon

We went back to Lake Louise, which was covered in snow and ice.

They built an ice castle on the lake!

We snowshoed across it while other people ice skated on it!

Can you believe it looked like this in summer??

We (OK, actually Mr. Whale) even built a snowman. “Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaaan??” (I had to.)

Look at that HUGE snowman.

It was such a spectacular trip. I think we are officially addicted to the Canadian Rockies. We are already planning our next trip back. We just can’t get enough.

Other than fabulous vacations, we just enjoy married life. The absolute favorite moments of our marriage are those times when we both really need to go to bed or we need to get work done, but we just can’t stop talking and laughing.

All in all, it’s been a great year! I may pop in again with another update, but for now I need to go celebrate our one year anniversary!! (Check out the front of the anniversary card Mr. Whale made for me! It’s us in the Canadian Rockies!)

He’s the best. Happy one year anniversary to us!





Mrs. Blue Whale


College Park, MD


Graduate Student

Wedding Date:

May 2013


Southern Tree Plantation in Blairsville, GA


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