5 Ways Vimeo Beats YouTube for Video Marketing [Creator's Tip #145]
By Carla Marshall, www.reelseo.com
View Original
June 5th, 2014
Although we love YouTube, it isn’t always the best site for your corporate video strategy. In this week’s Creator’s Tip, we give you 5 reasons why Vimeo might actually be a better solution. Most people just assume that YouTube is the best tool, but that’s not always the case. It really comes down to what is important to you, and what you are trying to accomplish.
YouTube Beats Vimeo for SEO Value, Audience, and Advertising
If any of these three things are important to you then you should definitely keep on uploading your content to YouTube:
SEO Value: If ranking in YouTube, and Google’s Universal Search results is important then you have to use YouTube.
Audience: If getting a lot of views is important to you, then YouTube is still the place to be. The site also has a lot of tools available for you to use to build your audience.
Paid Advertising: YouTube has the best advertising opportunities available so you can promote your video, and your brand, in front of as many viewers as your budget allows.
5 Ways Vimeo is Far Better than YouTube for Your Brand
If any of the above three aren’t that important to you, then Vimeo is often a better option. For commercial use you’ll have to go with Vimeo Pro, which is currently $199/year, but it’s money you’ll gladly spend when you start comparing the available features against to YouTube:
#1 Video Quality
The video quality on Vimeo is just superb. YouTube is notorious for highly compressing video content, and losing some quality in the process. But on Vimeo, your videos look as beutiful as they do when you render them out of your video editing software. If the look of the video is important for you, the upload it to Vimeo.
#2 Branded Player
You get a branded player which you can customize with as little, or as much information as you want. You can even remove Vimeo’s logo completely and add your own!
#3 Privacy Controls
When you upload a video to Vimeo, you can also control the playback features for it. One really handy feature is the ability to limit playback except via your own website, or another website of your choosing.
#4 Support
Almost every YouTube users will have one time wanted to contact the site to iron out a technical/legal issue, but it is almost impossible to contact YouTube directly. However, if you a Pro subscriber to Vimeo, the site guarantees a 1 hour response time (via email on weekdays, 1-day response on weekends) to your support ticket.
#5 Custom URLs
Vimeo also gives you the option to customize the URL of your video. This is a fantastic feature because it gives you the opportunity to give the video a URL that’s more memorable than a random string of numbers. You can’t do this on YouTube at all.
Let us know in the comments below if you preview to use Vimeo over YouTube, and why.
BREAKING NEWS: If you’d like to know more about Vimeo, or have any questions regarding the platform, Vimeo will be attending the 2014 ReelSummit. Register now for the Special Early Bird offers.
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