
Are you curious to know about where the worst Ebola outbreak is spreading? If so, visit Healthmap.org to get latest real-time disease outbreak information just with the click of mouse.

Ebola is the world’s deadliest virus that has killed nearly 4500 people across the West Africa. Now, people can search latest real-time disease outbreak information online at HealthMap.org because it has included Ebola map to track new Ebola cases in real time. It provides real-time information on wide range of emerging infectious diseases for a different audience like libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers. On this specific Ebola map, you can get entire timeline of its spread around the world, starting from March of 2014 up through the most recent situation right now. Maps also show the regions worst affected by Ebola in West Africa.

Healthmap is an automated electronic information system created in 2006 for monitoring, organizing and visualizing reports of global disease outbreaks. It is the brainchild of John Brownstein. It access data from variety of freely available electronic media sources like ProMED-mail, Eurosurveillance, Wildlife Disease Information Node and get complete view of the present global state of contagious diseases. From the first page of the site, you can access everything from Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever to Tick-born disease, malaria and the plague. Here, you can see all current news based on Ebola outbreaks. In addition, search and browse outbreak reports on the interactive map and set alert to get notification automatically whenever outbreak is occurring in your area.

At present, HealthMap service is used by variety of organizations like state and local public health agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. HealthMap is utilized as an early detection system. It supports awareness by offering current, highly local information about outbreaks, even from areas quite undetectable to traditional global public health efforts. This system spotted the West African Ebola outbreak nine days before the WHO announced it.

Heatlhmap’s Ebola map represents Ebola outbreak information from starting till today. Each yellow dot represents an area with suspected cases, while dark magenta dot represents high quantity of confirmed cases. On the timeline page, you can get day to day information about Ebola outbreak. On the projection page, you can get region wise graphical information about Ebola cases. The dark color shows real cases and the light color shows expected. These projections do not consider under-reporting. Users can access all affected countries Ebola cases on a single graph.

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