
This is a short 4 letter .com

It has a Page Rank 4 and is 1+ years old.

The site does make revenue!

HH1G.com - What's Your Site Worth?

HH1G has some of the most unique and most advanced algorithms that will calculate the estimated price of a website in seconds. Not only that but you can find complete statistics of your websites for example... pagerank, alexa rank, backlinks count, page load speed, bounce rate, dmoz listing, search engine indexing and overall social recognition.

HH1G.com really has it all in one place as it should be!

I will do the complete transfer and will help support the new owner for 15 days after the sale to ensure they are satisfied and are okay with the website on their own.

This is a great site PR4 makes ad revenue. Very easy to run and only involves 3 - 5 hrs per week, mainly answering emails and support questions.

HH1G.com makes money by displaying advertisements all over the site and its inside pages. The site earns on average $0.02 - $0.14 per click from the current ad company we are using.

It is google adsense capable and if the new owner wanted they could easily add it. I have found adsense to also work very well on the site.

I will upload proof of traffic and revenue for everyone to view.

As for my reason for selling I am just a very busy guy that already has dozens of good profitable websites, in other words I need to sell a few sites to earn some spare time.

If anyone has any questions or offers please send a email.



It is a short 4 letter .com PR4 - Website Value Calculator.

Date Listed: 08/30/13

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