** You Get up to Six Sources of Income. **

With Affiliate Options for Ebay Partner,
RRF products.

Plus RSS feeds, YouTube Videos.
Multiple Income Streams


The adsense banners are configured to show items relevant to the website niche content.
you will enter your unique adsense membership number for your website.
Every click on these banner ads will earn you money. Some adsense affiliates earn considerable commission.
The site will also show items relevant to the local country of viewing and in some instances in the local language.

This feature allows you to show eBay items on your site.
You can show your own eBay auctions etc as well as join the eBay affiliate program and earn commission for sales and memberships through your site.
The site can be set to show listings from any of the Ebay sites below
US = Ebay.com
GB = Ebay.co.uk
AU = Australia
CA = Canada
AT = Austria
BE = Belgium
FR = France
NL = Netherlands
IT = Italy
ES = Spain
SG = Singapore
IN = India

It can also be set to show items from a specific seller. So if you list on eBay you can show your items. or you maybe just have a favorite seller you would like to show items from.

The site uses Amazons affiliate program. It will show items from Amazons
growing list of products. Every time one is purchased through your
site you will earn an impressive commission. This will be paid by Amazon into your account. Items available are automatically updated. So you carry NO stock but earn commissions on every item sold through the site.
Amazon.com, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France and Amazon Japan can be shown on the site. You can even earn referral commission.

Your Clickbank affiliate links will show items appropriate to your website
niche. Any items purchased will earn truly impressive commisions.Clickbank is among the largest affiliate programs available. they have items available in just about every niche or category.

pay.com :
Within the Pay.com widget will be displayed niche items.
you will insert your unique username and select the category suitable for the
website. Items are constantly updated. and joining is free.
Once again NO stock is carried by you.

R-R-P :
These are Resale Rights Products that will be suitable for your sites market.
We will select the key words and add your affiliate ID. Then R-R-F items will
shown. Everyone that is purchased earns you a commission. The items are constantly and automatically updated.

All the above programs are free to join.
Some may need approval such as Adsense and Ebay partner network (if you are not already members)
If you are already members of any the affiliate programs you can use your existing IDs

The site has an amazing RSS feeds facility. This shows the latest constantly updating feeds. All related to your website niche. We can insert feeds to your blog if you have one or any custom feed you choose. These are constantly updated and mean your site is always up to date.

you can set up the site to show YouTube videos. All related to your website niche. these are playable through your site but hosted on YouTube.
these help to make your site truly unique.


How long will it take to set my site up? We can usually set up your site within 24 hours of receiving the required details, such as affiliate IDs etc.
Some of these may take longer to come through as they require approval. We can add these at a later stage.

How will my site make money? The site incorporates the top affiliate names. These pay commissions on sales or pay per click points. We show you how and where to sign up for these. All are free to join.

I have never owned a website before. Will I be able to run it? the site is self operating. all you need do is promote the site. The affiliates will take care of any payments due to you. We also give you access to our website promotion material to generate traffic for your site.

Will I need hosting for the site? Yes hosting is required. we can supply that or you may use any hosting provider you choose.

Date Listed: 08/15/13

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