
I have a php scrip that creates wordpress posts from a csv file (file.csv) that is on the same subdomain as wordpress. This has been working for months, however I just uploaded new file.csv files to a couple subdomains and the script is not working, gives a blank screen and does not create posts.

To troubleshoot, I checked other subdomains where I have the php script set up and uploaded new file.csv files. It worked there.

So, on some subdomains the script is working and on some it is not. The wordpress installs are identical. The php script is identical, I downloaded and uploaded it from one domain to the other to troubleshoot. It works on one and not the other. I have tried identical file.csv, still works on one subdomain and not the other.

The below error comes up in the error logs

[17-Nov-2013 11:00:05] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8388608 bytes) in /filepath/_adder.php on line 16" However the file.csv file is identical in both installs, so is the same size. But it still works in one and not the other.

Why might the script be working correctly on done subdomain and not the other? Any suggestions, things to try or tips would be very much appreciated.

For sake of completeness, below is the php script in question.

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