We are strongly considering moving significant, relatively static, portions of our existing Drupal site (yinyanghouse.com) out of Drupal and into a subdomain built up with a static site generator like Jekyll.
This section would be something like 900 pages or so of largely static content with no need for comments, etc. (although keeping Adsense would be important) - something like resources.yinyanghouse.com.
Then we are more than likely going to move the dynamic/community portions of our site into Wordpress for easier upgrade paths and better adherence to API's between versions (in our opinion) than Drupal.
My question, then, is will there be any significant ramifications of moving a page such as:
http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/lv3 to resources.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/lv3?
Any things to watch out for or are just 301's and fixing all our internal links enough?
Any experiences with Jekyll and larger sites? What about hosting that many pages on Github pages vs. locally with Nginx?
These are crucial pages of our rankings overall and we really don't want to lose that but moving them to a static site generator will help us greatly with maintenance and hosting costs.