
It was a weekend filled with traditional summer camp activities, tailored to the needs of kids dealing with the death of someone close to them.

Camp Erin came to Connecticut this weekend. In addition to activities such as zip-lining, bungee jumping, ice cream socials and dancing, Camp Erin offers grief education and emotional support for grieving children. The weekend free sleep-away camp, held in Bantam, was open to grieving kids across Connecticut, with priority given to kids from Newtown.

Camp Erin, created and funded by The Moyer Foundation, holds free camps around the nation for children and teens ages 6-17 who have experienced the death of someone close to them.

Besides the usual camp councilors, there are grief professionals and trained volunteers. The kids also find comfort knowing that those around them at the camp have been through similar situations.

Each Camp Erin is facilitated through a long-term partnership with a local bereavement agency. In Connecticut, that agency is the Cove Center for Grieving Children.

For more information about Camp Erin and the Moyer foundation, click here to visit the Camp Erin website.

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