
Wordpress is simply too good to refuse when you want to start a website for quick and professional operation. But you might want to migrate from other platforms where you have worked for long time such as blogger, tumblr and wordress.com service. This article provides detailed guidance on how to migrate your contents to hosted wordpress site from blogger, tumblr and wordpress.com service. Share it if you found it helpful.

Please note, all our guidance below solely focus on web contents but not considering other factors like search engine. If you have sufficient traffic on old site and would like to redirect all to your hosted domain, you might put an announcement or send out newsletters to people so they can get notified for the move.

Migration from Blogger to WordPress

The migration is pretty straight, the wordpress has provided us the tool to simplify the process. But before we start the moving, it's necessary to get a nice domain and wordpress hosting service. We highly recommend to check out this best wordpress hosting page for best selections. After hosting service is ready to go, get your domain configured via basic wordpress installation. You can do this manually or take advantage of auto installer like softaculous. The process could be done in few minutes since everything is automatic. Now we're going to start the move

Login to wordpress admin panel, click "Tools" then click "Import". Here's a list of options, click "Blogger" which is on top of the list.

It requires us to get the plugin "blogger-importer" installed. Click the button to proceed.

Click "Authorize" to allow wordpress access to your google account.

Once authorized, you will get a list of your Blogger Blogs. Select the blog you wish to import and the process takes just few seconds.

Now, all you blogger contents are moved over. If you heavily consider search engine friendly. You might take a look at this article from Amit Agarwal. Here's a video show about the entire process

Migration From Tumblr to WordPress

To begin, refer to wordress dashboard, then click "Tools" then "Import" and confirm the "Tumblr Importer" plugin installation. You will be asked to enter Tumblr account login email & password. Fill out then click "Connect" to proceed.

The importer will grab over everything automatically and we can watch the entire progress via frequent refresh. Once the process done, you will get email notification.

Note: there're people who have applied custom domain name for their tumblr blogs. For this case, we need to disable this feature first via tumblr dashboard > Settings > un-check the "Use a Custom Domain".

Migration from WordPress.com

Importing from wordpress.com is almost the same as above. Because it's managed by wordpress, we get much better experience. Just go ahead to try out and you'll be surprised about the speedy procedure.

No matter if you have imported from which service. You never want to loose connection to your visitors. Thus we highly suggest you put a notice on your old blogs and guide them to check your hosted site. Under some circumstance, you may also send out newsletter to followers so they can get notifed in time.

Why do the migration?

Simply because we need more control over the site and do further customization. No matter which free service we use, there&'re various limitation in using it. But things are different when we host the website from our own hosting space. There we have full access to each website files and backend database. It's also a MUST when we need do business on website. We can't put everything at a free service for any reason.

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