
It seems obvious, you need to show your images, to have zoom, to give your product an optimised title, show the price, the details and invite ‘add to bag’, or ‘buy now’ but how much time do you give to the other essential items that can have such a huge impact on whether or not your page will convert?  Uplifting poorly converting pages and improving pages you think are already not doing so badly.  Product page conversion is a science, not an art.

When you look at some of the most successful e-commerce sites, and dare I mention John Lewis, you see the same amount of detail, although of course always laid out in a different way, which confuses the issue when trying to tie down the essentials.  However they do offer the same information and here are five that you need to consider adding and making obvious if you don’t already include them.

Delivery and Returns Information – needs to be shown on each product page.

Size Chart access made obvious – don’t just include this in your utilities

Contact information – so that any immediate questions can be answered, not just with a form, but with a phone number, and preferably, as on the Simply Piste page above, with live chat.  It’s understandable that not everyone can offer this, but if you can it will prevent some abandoned orders.  An immediately accessible phone number is essential in any case.

Stock availability – there’s nothing more annoying than trying to order something, and being allowed to do so, and then finding out later that the item you want in the colour you want isn’t available.  Give immediate access to what’s in stock, and what is not.  You can offer an email update when something comes back into stock, or simply not show items that are not, it’s up to you.  I personally think the best option is to show that some items have sold out, or you’re waiting for re-delivery, as this can enhance demand.

Save for Later option.  Customers aren’t always ready to buy, but they’ve reached your product page and found something interesting.  Make it really easy for them to return to that page.  They’re far more likely to order a product they’re already researched and they won’t want to go looking for it again.

There are no short cuts to great product pages, include all the essentials and watch your product page conversion rate rise.

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