
What is “W3 Total Cache”

W3 total cache is a web page speed optimization plugin which can improve your visitor’s experience by increasing the speed of your WordPress site. It is among the most famous and widely used cache plugins for WordPress sites. This post covers all aspects related to w3 total cache regarding the importance of cache plugins, alternatives, properly configuring w3 total cache settings for maximum web page optimization. By the end of the post, your site will be much faster than earlier.

Why Do I Need A Cache Plugin & Why Website Speed Is So Important?

You need a cache plugin to increase your website speed. The speed of the website is important for a better experience for visitors and for SERP. Search Engines like Google measure the website’s speed in ranking it in search results. A faster website is more likely to rank above the slow site. Although site speed is not the only factor for the ranking but surely it is among the important ones. Here

What are other alternatives to W3TC?

If you want to try the other cache plugins before using W3TC, here are some good alternatives:

WP Super Cache

Hyper Cache

Quick Cache

See More: How To Test Your New WordPress Theme Without Activating It

Why W3TC is best among all cache plugins?

1). As stated by W3TC team, w3 total cache plugin can increase your site speed up to 10 times.

2). Used by many big companies like mashable.com, makeuseof.com, kiss925.com.

3). Recommended by many hosting companies including Host Gator, Media Temple.

4). Offers so many features in single window like page cache, browser cache, minify which others plugins don’t provide.

5). Most importantly, when I personally used both WP super cache & w3 total cache, my site’s speed was much faster with w3 total cache.

Here is the performance report generated of this site from gtmetrix

Installing W3 Total Cache

(Uninstall other cache plugin if you have one installed earlier)

Install w3 total cache the same way as you install other WordPress plugins. Download the plugin, upload it and activate it. Anyhow if you don’t know, here are the quick steps:

1). Download the plugin

2). Upload it through : Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Choose File -> Install.

3). Activate the plugin : Plugins -> Installed Plugins -> Activate (w3 total cache).

Configuring W3 Total Cache Settings?

W3 total cache configuration could be a bit confusing if you are a WordPress beginner or using this plugin for the first time. To make things easier for you, I have included the XML/PHP File containing all the w3 total cache settings.

You can simply import all the settings by uploading the file via Performance -> General Settings -> Import / Export Settings (at the bottom). Still, here are all the settings step by step:

1. W3TC General Settings

Page Cache – Enabled

Page Cache Method – Disk Enhanced

Minify – Enable

Minify Mode – Manual

Minify Cache Method – Disk

Database Cache – Enabled

Database Cache Method- Disk

Object Cache – Enable

Object Cache Method – Disk

Browser Cache – Enable

CDN – Enable if you are using a CDN service else Disable

Varnish – Disable

Network Performance by Cloudfare – Enable if you use Cloudfare else Disable

2. W3TC Page Cache Settings

Page Cache – General

Cache Front page – Check

Cache feeds: site, categories, tags, comments – Check (Blogs running Feedburner – Uncheck)

Cache SSL (https) requests – Check

Cache URIs with query string variables – Uncheck

Cache 404 (not found) pages – Uncheck

Cache requests only for yoursite.com hostname – Check

Don’t cache pages for logged in users – Check

Don’t cache pages for following user roles – As per your choice

Page Cache – Cache Preload

Automatically Prime the Page Cache – Checked

Update Interval – 900

Pages per interval -10

Sitemap URL – URL of your blog’s xml sitemap. E.g. http://example.com/sitemap.xml

Page Cache – Purge Policy

No changes

Page Cache – Advanced

No Changes

3. W3TC Minify Settings

Minify can increase your site speed by removing the unnecessary comments and spaces from your html source files. Please keep in mind that this function may cause crash of your site sometimes. I would recommend you to consult your hosting provider before using this function.

Minify Settings – General, HTML & XML

Rewrite URL structure – Check

Minify Settings – HTML and XML

Enable – Check

Inline CSS minification – Check

Inline JS minification – Check

Don’t minify feeds – Check

Line break removal – Uncheck

Minify Settings – JS & CSS

JS minify settings – Check

Operation in area – Minify

Embed Type – Non-blocking using JS

All other options – Uncheck

CSS minify settings – Enable

Combine only – Disable

Preserved comment removal – Disable

Line break removal – Enable

@import Handling – Process

Minify Settings – Advanced

No change

4. W3TC Database Cache

No changes

5. W3TC Object Cache

No changes

6. W3TC Browser Cache

Browser Cache – General Settings

Set Last-Modified header – Check

Set expires header – Check

Set cache control header – Check

Set entity tag (eTag) – Uncheck

Set W3 Total Cache header – Check

Enable HTTP (gzip) compression – Check

Prevent caching of objects after settings change – Uncheck

Disable cookies for static files – Uncheck

Do not process 404 errors – Uncheck

Browser Cache – CSS & JS

Set Last-Modified header – Check

Set expires header – Check

Expires header lifetime – 31536000 seconds

Set cache control header – Check

Cache Control Policy: cache with max-age

Set entity tag (eTag) – Uncheck

Set W3 Total Cache header – Check

Enable HTTP (gzip) compression – Check

Prevent caching of objects after settings change – Disable

Disable cookies for static files – Check

Browser Cache – HTML and XML

Set Last-Modified header – Check

Set expires header – Check

Expires header lifetime – 3600 seconds

Set cache control header – Check

Cache Control Policy: cache with max-age

Set entity tag (eTag) – Uncheck

Set W3 Total Cache header – Check

Enable HTTP (gzip) compression – Check

Browser Cache – Media and other files

Set Last-Modified header – Check

Set expires header – Enable

Expires header lifetime – 31536000 seconds

Set cache control header – Enable

Cache Control Policy – cache with max-age

Set the entity tag (eTag) – Disable

Set W3 Total Cache header – Enable

Enable HTTP (gzip) compression – Enable

7. W3TC User Agents Group & Referer Groups

No changes


No changes for non CDN users. After configuring all the settings, Go back to General Settings & Hit Deploy. You will see a new message – “Preview settings deployed”. Click Disable to disable to preview mode and then click Empty all Cache. Finally, you are done and have successfully configured w3 total cache optimal settings on your blog.

Check if the plugin is configured and optimized properly?

If you have followed all the above steps, the plugin would be configured properly. To check if the plugin is working correctly, open the Html source code of any web page of your website (Right Click -> View Source) and look for this line: <!– Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more: http://www.w3-edge.com/wordpress-plugins/ –> to confirm its proper working. To confirm the speed optimization of your website after installing this plugin; Go to Pingdom Tools and check the speed of your website once again. My website’s speed jumped to 91% from 39% earlier. I am sure that it will be increased for yours too.

What Else

Sometimes a bad host can also contribute towards slow speed of your site. So it is very important that you buy a good hosting. You can find few best hosting providers of 2013 here.

Do let me know what increase you got to your website. If you face any issues, feel free to reach me any time.

The post W3 Total Cache Settings – Configure & Optimize Your Website appeared first on Webloggerz.

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