
I've made an online ruler tool as my first js project as a part of a learning process.

Here's how I do it:

First I estimate ppi

ppi = settings.ppi = settings.ppi_x = document.getElementById('testdiv').offsetWidth ;

which is usually bad value. After user 'calibration' I calculate true ppi according to user's input of real device diagonal in inches:

ppi = Math.round(Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h)/diag*10)/10;

where w,h are width and height of the screen (window.screen.width)

You can check out the ruler here: realruler

My question is

a) Is there any better approach of doing this? more accurate?

b) I've managed to test this on pc and android, so I was wandering, is there anywhere some free iOS testing environment where you can work online on real iphone device?



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