I have to develop a web page in which the main page has 3 different frames Following is the code of the main page ,
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<title>Broadband Router</title>
<script language="javascript">
<!-- hide
function op(){}
document.writeln("<frameset rows='89,*,15' border='0' frameborder='0' framespacing='0'>");
document.writeln(" <frame src='logo.html' name='logofrm' frameborder='no' border='0' scrolling='no' target='_self' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' noresize>");
document.writeln(" <frameset cols='170,*' frameborder='0' border='0'>");
document.writeln(" <frame src='menu.html' name='menufrm' frameborder='no' border='0' scrolling='no' target='_self' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' noresize>");
document.writeln(" "<frame src='info.html' name='basefrm' frameborder='no' border='0' scrolling='auto' target='_self' marginwidth='0' marginheight='16' noresize>");
document.writeln(" </frameset>");
document.writeln(" <frame src='footer.html' name='footerfrm' frameborder='no' border='0' scrolling='no' target='_self' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' noresize>");
// done hiding -->
menu.html page has an anchor tag,<a href=logout.html onClick='javascript:clickOnFolder(45)' >Logout </a>.
A click on this logout generates a Get request asking for logout.html.What code must go into logout .html such that it loads 2 different html pages into 'basefrm' frame and 'menufrm' frame respectively.
Thanks in advance