
Hello my name is Anders Nilsson. I have bought the domain spelbladet.se and in swedish that means game newspaper. This site will have something new that no other site have and that are the site will publish the lastest news about games, updates from PS3.... You can call it all gamenews in one site. we can take the forum PHPBB and start from there and build.

But what do i thinking? How i going to get all the news to the site??? With RSS links of course. But do i also think that people will visit the site everyday becuase we publish the lastest news from the games everyday?

Of course not i would like to create a forum, contest and more for the users. I have also plan to sell games, PS3, Xbox consoles in the future. I also got more ideas in the future there the users can earn money but I need to get the rights to do it.

The future idea I need rights for is like this.

User 1 and User 2 will play against each other for money. They make a deposit to their account in spelbladet. They play maybe start to play GTA V and User 2 won. If User 2 want the money... Then User 2 need to post a picture who shows that he won that game against User 1. Then a moderator check it and if it's true the User will get the money.

I will also have tips and tricks and i just emailed GAME-SERIERS.com and check if thats okey if i user they video channels so the users can look at game videos. If you find this intresting then you can contact me at skype my name is "angryencoder" at skype. I will give you some more information too when you have add me.

About the payment? Well I do not got any money right now... No job either ;( But we can connect the earnings to your paypal account and when you have get 500 euros from the earnings then you are paid.

If you want more money then sure we can discuss that via skype! Would be great if someone would like to jump on this project and we can make a big new community site for game people!

Spelbladet.se will be a site there all kind of gameusers can be online.


Last news > In Last News I would like to have an autorss who post news from rss links directly the new from another page comes out. I will also

that news posts in facebook at the same time.

Account > Drop down menu when mouse it's over account we will see Login, Register, Lost account.

Register.php > Firstname and more + What consoles do the user have? PS3? Xbox? Computer? Would be great

if they can choose 1 or more of the consoles. PS3 network name?, Xbox live name?, Games they play?

do so they can write like GTA V, TIBIA and more....

Consoles > i will add a link here to another site. Still wait for the rights to sell.

Games > i will add a link here to another site. Still wait for the rights to sell.

Contest > From admin user you can add contest... It will be like a title and messages and user who post this contest and

only admins can do it!

Release date > Here will be the same like contest. The Admin user can post release dates for games, consoles.

Hints > Same as contest. The admin can add status with titel and message and by who post it... It will be hints for

computer parts, games, consoles and more.

Forum > I will tell you what kind of boards it will be in the forum

Buy/Sell > Here can the users add computers and more that they will sell and other users can buy it. But they need to email the

user who selling to buy it.

2. CONTENT. Well all the .php files shows here... But you already knew that!

3. Footer.

Here will be links and more as i can add.

Contact, About us?, Cookies,

Contact me if you wanna help me and join!

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