I was recently made the (voluntary) web administrator of our Scout District's website and I have made some changes to how the site looks. This is what the old version looked like: http://imgur.com/a/a3AZE
And here is what it looks like now http://www.liverpoolnorthdistrict.org.uk.
Any feedback you have would be great as this is actually my first real project. Keep in mind I had to preserve all the information, which is why the content frame remains largely the same for now because the original site was exclusively HTML.
Also, I need advice on how to make it look good on iPads etc. A lot of the users of the site use a tablet. If someone could look at the code and help me out with that I would really appreciate it.
This is the HTML (I know its hard to follow, I didn't write most of this - this was already there. I basically had to "splice in" my design and write a style sheet because the old one was written exclusively in HTML)
And this is the CSS
Many Thanks!