

All you know about recent Adobe decision to move to CC

bussiness model. "Do less, charge more", good implementation of this

principle. Before I was Adobe fan and I sincerely wanted to help them

improve their products, I thought they want too. I created a list of

about 80 improvements and fixes for PS. I sended it to Adobe. Also, to

Tomas Knoll (I hope he recieved it, but not sure I have correct eMail,

just my guess). It was a huge work, and I believed it may not be throwed

to a trash can, they want to make their products better, after all! I


So? No answer after more than a week of waiting.

The problem of our world for now is people who see only money in

everything. They can't even imagine there's something else valuable

around. They try to suck out money from everything, not to make anything

better. That's all is only money for them and nothing else. They

corrupt everything they touch. And there's at least a few people of this

kind in Adobe (Autodesk and so on).

I hope the time will come and this politics will destroy it's adherents. So, let's survive!

Here's the work I made. I don't want it to be lost. Please, take a look and share your opinion! I will appreciate!

Sorry for possible grammar mistakes, I'm not a native speaker.

P.S. Is this only me who constantly get "can't do blah-blah-blah because of programm error" in CS6? Ireful!!!

PS impovements list. In random order, presented within a few logical parts.

Layers, Smart layer and Blending Styles

In free transform mode (whatever you transform - text, smart layer,

maked layer) when you try to pull square handle on transformation frame

it changes absolutely unexpectedly. It cause major inconvenience and

wrong transformation all the time you do it. It happens even when you

transform text layer. Espetially it is the problem when you have a large

layer hidden by mask mostly. Sometimes handles and the frame go far

outside the working space trying to represent size of layer by itself so

it's impossible to operate. It is really stupid problem.  SOLUTION -

Layer frame in both regular move and transfromation mode must remain the

same size! Also on masked layer Photoshop must take mask center as

layer center.

⦁    + When we have rotated layer it's frame is not

rotated too. It cause inconvenience when you try to select layer

underneath. Solution - rotated layer frame must always apperar rotated


⦁    There is a way to distribute a number of layers by their

centers. But there's no way to achieve more common for web-designers

task - distribute elements with constant margin. It must be there)

Often have to deal with a lot of smart layers, which, in fact, should

not have to be so, but had to because of the need to change the filter

or distort it, retaining the ability to edit it. We have to work with it

as a separate document, blindfolded, which is often very uncomfortable.

Why not add the ability to edit it in isolated mode, as in Illustrator,

in the same document in which it is located? Or give an option to apply

smart filters to not-smart objects. Please, concider this change, it's

one of most significant changes have to be done to this program. The way

it is now is not smart enough)

⦁    Blending (layer) styles. Why

are they limited so strange? Why can't shadow be wider than 255 pixels?

It's too strange. + when you make huge-huge banners you have to make

elemnts smaller, turn them to smart layers and scale up to acheve

effects size as needed. Strange. And must be solved.

⦁    When you

work with layer styles you must see everything as it is, without any

overlays. In CS6 something always interfere you to see object you are

working with!

⦁    When you transform object that has layer styles

those styles transform too. Where is an option to let them remain the

same as before transformation???

⦁    The only way to crop layer

is to make a mask and hit delete. But if layer goes outside the borders

of document there will be areas that will remain after this. Solution -

we need layer crop tool. Really need 

⦁    Why we can add as many raster masks to the layer but can't do the same with vector masks? Why?

in CS6 adding adjustment layers and their editing are on two different

tabs. It's very, very uncomfortably! Better make it as it was before.

When you transfer layer to the group, simply draggin'n'droppng it on

the group icon - why, why does it falls all the way down to the very

bottom? Where is logic???

⦁    Guides and notes. When we create

multi-layered designs (each page of site in own group) both guides and

notes are global (are not linked to certain group or layer) and in

process of designing we have a mash with a huge amount of rulers and

it's already impossible sometime to decide - what page is this guide

related to? Solution - Illustrator-like guides represented by spetial

kind of layer. I think one such layer must hold a few rullers (as well

as notes) at one time.

⦁    About guides again. When you graw a

shape with pen and hold down control to move a point near guide cursor

starts to move guide. Stupid? Definately. Solution - whatever tool му

are working with when you hold down control button coursor must not move


⦁    When you deal with layer styles you can't pick

color from the object you are working over. No, you can, but you'll pick

the color of object by itself, excluding blending options. Strange


⦁    Why when we undo actions hiding and showing layers

are not  recorded as a step in history? It's pretty strange often, when

you see something wrong, but can't remember that you hid a layer) I

think we have to include this action in history or create separate

hotkey for that , Shift-z/Shift-y, maybe

⦁    Very, very

frustrating when you select a layer, do something and undo than.

Selection goes back to previews layer! It's intorelably!!!

When you copy png from Firefox, for example, and paste it to photoshop

the black color appears instead of alpha channel. Very boring...

Working with text tool. When you click with this tool over text layer

hidden by other layer you go strait to this hidden text layer. Why?????

It's horribly stupid. If layer is overlaped with other, it may not be

selected this way. Must be fixed

⦁    same happens with rotated

text layer. You click outside of it, but inside it's frame, and... You

select it and enter editing mode. Annoying.

⦁    I prepose to add setting to make Smart guides visible all the time, not only when we move something. Like in Illustrator.

After raster layer transformation it MUST NOT be resampled immendately.

Another words, Photoshop must save in memory original image and when we

decide to transform it again it will transform original image, not

resampled. There still are a lot of designers who does not understand

that after each transformation image looses quality.

⦁    I think

it will be pretty useful - linking parameters. For example, I have a few

layers that represent one element of design and they are distributed in

document separately so I can't group them. I want to hide them all (or

show). If we will be able to link them there will not be such question.

To the point. In After Effects there is pretty handy feature that can

be called "color-variables". It allows you to choose some color or a few

and link color of certain elements to this variables. It gives a quick

and super-easy way to quickly recolor your artwork, design an so on... I

think Photoshop looses much without this great feature. Every change to

big, multi-layerd design is a big problem...

⦁    Elemen-variable

or instance copy. Yes, yes). Emagine - we have 10-pages site in one

psd. On each page we have such a common for all the site elements as

menu, footer, ui-elements and so on... Client wants to change something

little in one of those elements, and.... You have to perform HUGE work

replacing all this elements on all the pages... Scared?) So I think

instance copies of layers and groups will become must-have in serious

designer's arsenal as well as color-variables

⦁    Free-transform

tool. It's not too useful now. I see at least two big downsides -

resempling algorithm destroys image quality. And most important - when

you get out of presets to custom mesh you have no any option to

customize it. Moving corners does not affect their handles. Operating

with this mesh is very uncomfortable.


⦁    Every time

you choose font for text you can't guess does this font support Cyrilic

and hieroglyphic symbols. So you can choose font that does not suport

this and you'll see nothing is changed, excluding kerning. I think it

would be handy if font properties will be shown in drop-down list.

Font preview. When we hover over font in drop-down list the text we are

working with must be displayed in the font we hovered. Like in ms word.

Fast and easy method to preview what we want

⦁    + I think it's

necessary to have ability to change regular "sample" preview text with

something different. I think also that when we select a pice of text and

change the font "sample" must be swapped with selected text. No sure it

will work well and fast, but it would be a nice feature

⦁    In

all Adobe programms we have some fonts that has no Cyrilic and

hieroglyohic sybols, but there are avilable even for free vertions of

those font with this symbols. For example Stencil. I think it have to be


⦁    In text parameters we have no ability to add dashed

underline to text, change it's color. In Web it's very common task, so

why isn't it here?

⦁    Anti-aliasing. There are a lot of

browsers, each has own anti-aliasing filter. But when you design

anything in Photoshop and after see it in real life you see something

different! Fonts are smoothing differently, and Adobe has no any

anti-aliasing model that will emulate any of browser's real-life

anti-aliasing. It must be concidered as a thing to change.

⦁    +

we have the same with underline! Very often we see fat strange underline

where in browser it must be thin 1 pixel line. Not good...

⦁    Pixel-perfect text. I said about it already, but... We really need it, I repeat)

Shapes and vector.

⦁    Symmetry tools. We really need it)

While editing one point's handles on bezier curve you can see only

handles nearest to this point. Why isn't there an option to show them


⦁    Custom shapes. I understand why they are separated buy

setst, but why does dialog this stupid annoying "do you really want to

replace this set with another" appears every time you change the set???

And why can't we review all the sets in the same time?

Procedural shapes. When you create a shape you often see that wrong

paremeters were chosen, but you can't change it already. You have to

delete that shape and draw another. We need a posibility to chage shape

parameters after creating figure.

⦁    Scaling shapes and moving

points. It's a pain when you scale a shape that's exactly (for example)

50*50 px, but because of pixel snapping the size is dancing about 30+31,

or 31*30... It currupts the shape.

⦁    + you will have the same behavior while moving point. Sometimes it's must-have options, sometimes it really get a nerves.

BUGGEST fail with paths and shapes. If a point of the shape is placed

initially it the middle of pixel you'll not be able to snap it to the

pixel grid at all!!! It will always move at least 1 pixel in any

demention, but will never be snapped properly. Fail, really)

When you select a shape layer and try to do a region selection over

point on the path, and accedentaly click on shape layer below that, you

will be switched to layer below immendately! It's ****ly annoying!

While drawing a shape new points don't snap to already existing ones.

Same happens when you just move a poit. It seems to me Illustrator-like

snapping will be pretty handy in this situation

⦁    + We really miss snap on bezier handles!

I tried to round a corner of path. And I can say sometimes it's even

impossible to do, it's all manual. Maybe add a "chamfer" tool for vector


⦁    We really need an analog of Illutrator's pathfinder.

Of cource, Phoshop is not a vector program, but if there are vector

tools they must be comfortable and overall.

⦁    I really want to see a way to merge two or more shape layers to one preserving shapes buy themself. I'm sure it's good idea

There must be an option to preserve handles position of neares point of

path when we delete on of them. Now Photoshop tries to preserve shape,

but in a lot of cases it currupts whe path we are working with.

⦁    We need more, and different, anti-aliasing models for vector shape. Same as for the text.

Masks. There's very poor functionality. For example, we can transform

selection, but can't transform vector mask applied to layer. We can't

add/substruct/do anything alse with it what must normally be able to do.

Additional notes about performance and usability

⦁    Moving canvas. Why when document does not fill all the canvas we can't move it around? It's so stupid and uncomfortable...

⦁    Scroll bars. Who uses it? It's not usefil but takes a space. I think it's better to remove it or make them thinner

⦁    When you save document the path we saved last one must be default.

Changing extension must be more (much more) fast and easy. When we type

extension in save dialog we well save document in psd, and it does not

mean whatever we had type - png, jpg or something other. Why so stupid?

Save for Web dialog is not easy to use at all. Why can't we define a

preset for all the slices at once or just apply it to each slice? The

default gif preset is to unuseful, and changing it is a pain. I think it

really worth to redisign this dialog.

⦁    Placing instrument

settings in prefereces dialog (such as "snap vector shapes" or "image

interpolation" is very, very wrong idea! All that settings must appear

on the tool settings panel, otherwise it's very uncomfotrable to use

New representation of shape layers is very uncomfortable. Bring it back

as it was - just solid color layer and mask on top of it.

Control-Alt-Z, Control-Z... It's very annoying when you undo with

Control-Z, want to return, press Control-Shft-Z and nothing happens.

Stupid behavior. Undo and Stap backward commands must be the same, with

same hotkey.

⦁    When you try to drag n' drop a layer holding

down Alt to copy it, and it's already placed on top of the layer stack

you have no ability to copy it on top of original one. I think it must

be fixed

⦁    Selecting any layer near selection frame of another layer is impossible, cursor turns to rotation/transformation mode.

Working with transformation box is a real pain. For example, when we

try to move any little tiny layer we can't, becose or you start to move

ancor point (that we don't do very often) or you start to transform

layer. Very inconvinient.

⦁    When we grag layers from one

document to another from layers panel we must always detach one

document's windows to be able to do it. If we do the same moving the

layers with alt held down we can transfer the between documents in

different tabs. I think in both scenarios there must be a possibility to

move them without need to detach window.

⦁    I think PS really

needs advanced snapping system, much more advanced and smart than now.

You'll laugh, but take a look at google's presentation maker, even it's

snapping system much more advanced than what we have in Photoshop



I want to talk about how to make complex work more logic and easier.

It's bold (maybe) concept, but believe me, it worth to make it reality.


⦁    Blending options. They have fixed, strict order

that may not be changed. That limits our opportunuty to combine them,

that makes impossible to acheve some complicated effects we want. I

propose you the following:

Blending options, each one, will be

represented as an independed effect. We can change their order and

amount, copy, delete, add, hide, hide with masks, do anything we want.

Exactly the same possibility as with smart objects. And here we go to...

Layered logic. To be honest, all those blending options and smart

filter (remember what I said about their new concept hereinabove) are

just sub-layers, but they are represented differently. It makes harder

to use and understand. Let's lead it to a common denominator 

Simpiest example - we have a layer with stroke. We want it to cast a

shadow. Switching on Drop Shadow we'll see that that shadow is

UNDERNEATH the stroke! And we have no way to solve it. Allowing users to

reorder blending options filters as sublayers, as we can now reaorder

smart objects, well be the indispensable feature! + we will not confuze

old-school users leaving old set and old order of those options buy


⦁    + A really crazy thought... What if we'll be able to

apply blending option to another blending option? Just imagine - for

example, we create a stroke, and above that we create one more. And we

can make as much as we want. How complex effects can be that we'll


⦁    And, of cource, each blending option filter (let's

call it so) must be able to have own mask. Really great feature, I

imagine what a cool effects we'll be able to achive!

⦁    UPD. And

(especially since you've dropped suddenly and imprudently dropped

Fireworks) Save for Web dialog must be redisigned entierly, from

scratch. Now it's about unusable.

Some additional ideas and fixes.

Per-element gradient. Often we have a layer with a few objects, or text

layer with a few strings. If we apply gradient to that it will

distribute colors from the very to to the very bottom. Per-element

gradient will be handy when we want to apply it each string or character


⦁    Gradient handles. Illustrator has this feature,

why not to add it to Photoshop? Also I think the same controls for

gradient overlay and gradient layer will be handy.

⦁    Gradient for stroke. The same as in AI.

What if we'll add a kind of interactive handles to stroke settings? So

we'll be able to refine stroke thikness and color right on the shape

it's applied to. Good idea?)

⦁    Gradients in such blending option as outer and inner glow, shadow, stroke well be very useful.

Apply color corection. For example, you have a design with washed out

colors. Instead of chaging them all separately we'll add curve

adgustment layer. But all the colors will generally remain the same.

What if to add a tool that will "bake" those adjustments? A kind of

"recolor artwork" from AI.

⦁    When you are duplicating and

coping layers the layer panel becomes a horrible mess with dozens on

layers with names like "Layer 123 copy 14" and it's very hard to sort it

all out. Maybe it's better to copy layer with the same name as it's


+ In localazed vertions words Layer and Copy are cocalazed too that's not good, I think.

Clone stamp tool. It's great, but it's not as great as it can be. Very

often after retouching an image you can notice the cloned areas. It's

very noticeable and unveils the deception immendately. The main problem

here is that the samples photoshop take as source for stamp may not be

randomized (rotated and scaled randomly). Also, we can't do it manually.

And donig a good healing becomes more complicated task than it could


⦁    Stamp again. Very annoying problem - when you heal a

layer that ends within document frame Clone stamp starts to allow for

"supposed" transperancy that does not really exist on image. So you get

transparent areas where layer was ending and where it must not be.

⦁    In Russian Photoshop layer panel is expanded too much because of it's long title...)

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