
I am looking for a reliable and free web hosting service that will help me showcase my projects and interests.

I have tried Github and their user pages facility but they don't offer php.

I tried sourceforge.net user-web feature but they have low bandwidth limits and also not full php support (they prevent outgoing connections).

I have tried 3rd party web hosts like 3owl and 000webhost but as they are free and less professional, their base domains are polluted with bad content and so a subdomain there also effects my site SEO. They are also less reliable and I don't want to live with insecurity.

Other sites like Wordpress and Blogger lack flexibility of having branched structure (blogger in particular), totally custom design and simplicity in websites.

I also tried using Public folder of Dropbox as it is simply the best way to manage a site with it's change-and-done feature but using that dl.dropboxusercontent URL is too ugly.
I tried pancake.io for a nicer URL but that seems to be not too good with the SEO rankings.

Please suggest a service that has -

php support

Easily and effectively (+brached model) manageable

highly reliable

provides a good short URL to look at


PS - I hope this isn't an Offtopic question. I read this.

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