Automating Front-end Workflow
A ripper of a slide deck from Addy Osmani! The slides introduce you to new tools and workflow techniques to keep you productive on the front-end. (speakerdeck.com)
Nice write up about WordPress 3.7 (poststat.us)
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Building an amazing fullscreen mobile experience
We have the ability to easily make immersive fullscreen web sites and applications, but like anything on the web there are a couple of ways to do it. This is especially important now that more browsers are supporting an “installed web app” experience which launch fullscreen. (html5rocks.com)
Smart Transitions In User Experience Design
Some websites outperform others, whether in their content, usability, design, features, etc. Details of interaction design and animation make a fundamental difference on modern websites. (smashingmagazine.com)
Animating DOM transitions
Alex MacCaw’s experience with animations seems to get convoluted really fast, especially when having a lot of different states which require different transitions depending on which states are being entered or left. So he made a little jQuery library to help do transitions between DOM states. (alexmaccaw.com)
Building Multiplayer HTML5 Games with Cloak
Greg Smith from Bocoup has been building a lot of multiplayer HTML5 games using Node.js and Socket.io. He shares some great insights to help us all out. (bocoup.com)
Taking Ember for a spin
Andy Appleton who is an Angular developer decided to take Ember for a spin to see what all the hype was about. (floatleft.com)
Quick look into the Ghost hosted platform that is coming soon (ghost.org)
My Entire Front End Development Processes From Start To Finish (vincentp.me)
Sass Maps Are Awesome! (viget.com)
Tools / Resources
Offline.js – Handle your users losing their internet connection
Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they’ve lost internet connectivity, like Gmail. It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection was down, and remakes them when it’s back up, so your app reacts perfectly. It has a number of beautiful themes and requires no configuration. (github.com)
How the Browser Pre-loader Makes Pages Load Faster
A very interesting and good guide to preloading on web pages by Andy Davies. (andydavies.me)
A Developer’s Guide to Rendering Performance
When we look back over the history of web performance we see a heavy focus on reducing the number of requests and getting files to the browser quickly. Our platform has changed a lot, and while optimising for network performance remains a crucial part of our jobs, we now have to broaden our performance horizons. (vimeo.com)
A headless Internet Explorer browser with a Javascript API. PhantomJS for the Trident engine. (github.com)
Quick Timesheets
Quick Timesheets makes time entry easy — just enter your time on the calendar and you’re done. Free for 2 users! (quicktimesheets.com)
An Angular Workflow
Richard Torruellas shares his Angular JS workflow. (rtorr.com)
Great introduction to Flexbox by Sean Fioritto (sketchingwithcss.com)
Get Up And Running With Grunt (smashingmagazine.com)
UX Recorder: Mobile Web site testing for iOS (uxrecorder.com)
Opening titles for Web Directions South 2013
Developed by a Sydney based company called Small Multiples who specialise in data visualisation. The entire project is built with WebGL and Node.js. Awesome! (run.south.im)
Jank Busting Apple’s Home Page
Wesley Hales is addicted to jank busting. So, as all jank busters do, jank bust Apple’s homepage and blog about it. (wesleyhales.com)
Animations for Thumbnail Grids (tympanus.net)
I’m Looking For A Job — John Barton
Hello there big wide world of people I know, and hopefully people I don’t know who might be reading as well. I’m looking for a job and I’m hoping that by putting the word out you might be able to help me find the right one. (blog.whoisjohnbarton.com)
Last But Not Least…
CSS Off 2013
This contest is for all web designers and developers to test their skills against one another and see who is the most creative with markup and CSS. Let the battle begin. (unmatchedstyle.com)
Sass for Designers with Dribbble’s Dan Cederholm (muleradio.net)
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