
As mobile devices become smarter, our daily routines, even our leisure and hobbies, are now assisted by these gadgets. With bountiful of traveling apps on the market, it’s now easier to check and book flights, get accommodation, research the nearest restaurants, etc. Today, we also have handsets that have the ability to determine our Global Positioning System (GPS), which is highly needed when roaming around unfamiliar territories. However, given network connection limitations, some Smartphones might not even function properly upon your arrival overseas. Of course, this is apart from the fact that they are susceptible to unexpected battery draining.

So, how can you manage to enjoy your overseas adventure using technology? Here are seven tips on how you can leverage technology on your next travel.

1- Contact Your Network Provider Prior To Travelling 

One of the major mistakes that first time travellers tend to forget is that they should inform their wireless carrier of their plans of going abroad. Some people may even assume that they can actually use their handsets with a locally issued SIM card on their destination. To avoid any mishaps, you need to contact your unit’s cellular provider. Check for their international roaming plans, including data tariff, and get the compatible network bands for your device (for 2G, 3G, and 4G). This process will save you from getting a shocking bill when you get back.

2- Get A File Secure Case 

Credit cards, CHECK! Passport, CHECK! Visa, CHECK! Driver’s license, CHECK!

What’s missing on your travelling essentials? A case, such as the Stronghold line of smart cases, can secure all of these from identity thieves. You may not be aware of this, but our credit cards, passports, and drivers licenses actually emit a radio frequency that can easily be picked up by an electronic scanner. With that, they can clone your cards (or get all the bank information) and enjoy the endless shopping spree without your knowledge. This practice is increasingly becoming popular these days, warned Beata Santora of QuickandDirtytips.com. Vulnerable tourists are always the easiest targets.

3- Your Flights In Real-Time Through Apps 

Tracking the exact departure and arrival of your plane can also be challenging, especially when there’s an air traffic causing them to delay a few flights. We suggest that you maximize a smartphone app that has the ability to track flights in real-time. One of which is the FlightTrack application for iOS and Android, which receives an overall 3.6 stars from 461 Android reviewers online.

Kent German, CNET’s Senior Managing Editor and veteran traveller, have reviewed the application and commend it for its ability to display delay flight information, departure gate, and the type of aircraft that will accommodate you in real-time. “FlightTrack offers a clean, data-rich interface with the best maps of the bunch. Don’t let the $4.99 price tag scare you off; FlightTrack is my top choice and well worth the money.” A seasonal traveller, professional poker player, and blogger Kara Scott also recommended this application in one of her travel-related articles on Partypoker blog. She mentioned that she loves the app due to its “links to real time changes on airport departure boards around the world plus terminal maps so you can plan out your food strategy accordingly.” Other flight track apps are FlightWise Flight Tracker, Flight Update, and Flight Status.

4- Scan All Your Pertinent Documents For Backup 

What could be more frustrating than losing all your pertinent travel documents while abroad? We recommend scanning a copy of your Visa, passport, and IDs, which you need to save on your Smartphone or tablet. You can use the Genius Scan application for Android and iOS to keep these files. Then, back them up on your cloud storage for an added security. Give your friends and family an electronic copy of them for added precaution. Though these scans are virtual copies, you can still present something (rather than nothing) when the need arises.

5- Protect Your Devices With Hard Waterproof Casing 

If your purpose of travel is to engage in activities like swimming, hiking, and snorkelling, you might want to consider investing in some reliable protective cases to prevent your gizmos from physical damages. It’s best to consider a waterproof casing for those planning on engaging in any water sports.

6- Learn the basic foreign language instantly 

Travelling to a non-English speaking country is difficult if you’re alone and unaware of any basic local terms to use. But, with today’s technology, it’s not that impossible anymore. You can easily perform a quick search to translate local words, phrases, and even sentences that are unfamiliar to you. They can even teach you how to enunciate the words properly – using virtual assistants like Google Now, Samsung S Voice, and Siri.

7- Keep Your Phone Charged To Get More Pictures 

What’s travelling without taking home any pictures to show your family and friends? As smart devices become more high-tech, we are now looking at gadgets with a powerful camera lens and features that can capture the best sceneries and even the most memorable self-portrait of yourself in a famous landmark. If you wish to never miss a photo-op of all your adventures, you might want to consider bringing along a power bank, a powerful case, or additional battery packs to make your gizmo last the whole day. It also pays off to get a larger external SD card, so you can store all your travel photos and videos.

Overall, travelling with our handy devices made our vacation a lot easier to handle. There’s always an app for almost anything and everything. We do hope this list helps you out in making your next travel as stress-free as possible.

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