
Yooooooo, welcome to the baddest internet marketing article online, Spock told me it was LOL. The reason you are reading this is either you have been marketing for a while with little results, or you are just starting out (or maybe you just like to be on top of things)… you couldn’t resist the cool title either.

Whichever it is, this is your article, and talking about the cool title leads me to the first thing Spock would say about internet marketing:

1 It’s all about the title.

Whichever way you choose to market online (content marketing, email marketing, social media postings, ebook marketing, kindle books, regular books, forum postings, SEO etc. etc.) you have to write awesome titles. Your titles are everything, there is so much content nowadays (ever since everybody started blogging for traffic a few years ago as Google got better at recognizing dull content) people don’t really care what they read any more, though that does not mean to just rely on titles, ridiculously cool content is still needed.

I have done quite a few testings, some of which cost me years, and have noticed people are much more likely to read my articles if they had extraordinary titles, although I always try to post the best. Let me give you some examples:

These are a few of the most read articles on here:

1 Cheap Facebook PPC – Step By Step Guide To FB Traffic, Leads And Money

2 DS Domination, Amazon, Ebay, Lots of Cash, Really? Well, Not Really – Read This

3 CPA Marketing – How To Make Money With No Site, No Skill Nor Money

4 MLM – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

5 What Mom Never Told You About Success (Neither Did Mine)

6 The Science Of Content Marketing: How To Create Content That People Read, Like and Share – this one has been killing it on Twitter.

As you can see they all have really really interesting titles, I have written quite a few even more informative posts, but they have more boring titles (I did that to see if they would get read) and people just pick the ones with the cool titles. The last one about the mom who never told you stuff about success got read by almost all of the people on my list (at least almost all of them opened the message I sent them and got to the article).

It’s all the same with emails, writing books and pretty much any type of marketing. Every time I write an email title like: “You asked for it” or “I’m getting worried about you… seriously” “Let’s talk about money (way to important to miss)” the open rate jumps to about 70%.

I can talk about the importance of cool titles forever, but I’m sure you get the idea. let’s head to number two.

2 Nothing beats free

That’s something Neil (one of the very few marketers I like) thinks too, as I just read it on his blog. It’s true, nothing beats free, although I don’t like people who don’t understand buying, I strongly recommend giving away free stuff, as people go nuts the moment they see something will be free… that’s just how it is.

It’s a bit more challenging to convert such people into buyers though, as most of them would like to get whatever they could for free from you and leave. However, a large portion of them would be thankful and would buy from you. The best way to get what I’m saying is to just experience it yourself.

Give away free PDFs, or if you have a paid membership site, let people create free accounts at first… you will get a lot more sign ups this way.

3 Forums are the worst place to learn at

You probably go to Warrior Forum each time you want to learn what the sequence of sending followups should be, or how to rank on page one etc. Well, if that works for you – fine, though I highly doubt it does.

Forums are full of forum marketers and they know nothing more then forum signature marketing. They don’t understand email marketing, neither do they understand any other type of marketing, simply because they don’t do it.

They do forum signature marketing and that’s it, I’m not saying that to offend someone, I just want you to be very careful who you listen to as most people fail because they listen to the wrong guy. Successful people don’t have time for forums, neither do they reveal vital information for free unless it’s on their blog or any other rare case that I don’t feel necessary to list here.

Forums are an ok place to launch a product at as they have a lot of traffic, and I say ok because even if your product is $5 bucks you will still get a millions question about it from people who are afraid to buy (by the way most people on forums are very afraid of buying which is another reason for me to say forums are not the place to learn things at, people who don’t have the buying mindset don’t know how to sell, remember that).

4 You have to upsell your customers

One person could bring you more money than 100 if you know how to optimize the back end. What do I mean?

It’s not just about getting more traffic, leads and signups. It’s as important (if not more important) to get people who already bought from you to buy again, this is where the real money is. There is not much to explain here, you just have to do it.

5 Buy to learn how to sell

If you are cheap you will never be able to learn how to sell. I know there is a lot of crap online and we have to think twice before purchasing products, but that’s really a different story. What I mean is you need to get into the buyers’ mindset, you have to understand how they think to be able to sell to them, you need to love buying. Believe me, I know so many marketers who know marketing, and I mean it…

they have these awesome blogs and powerful communities, but are so lousy at selling It’s just ridiculous. Buying will let you understand why people purchase and exactly how to introduce your offer to make more sales.

Take you time here and think about what i just said. If you get this, you will triple your sales even if you don’t get more traffic.

6 Set your marketing budget

A lot of people make the mistake to believe marketing online has a free version. If you are one of those people, stop thinking this right now. Marketing costs money, the more you have the better. I know you might be on a tight budget and reading this really makes you upset, yet I think it’s better for you to know the truth. Free marketing was an option maybe in 2005, now it might take you forever to get results for free(if you manage to get any).

Get a job and save some money to invest, or borrow some, or sell your old TV on Ebay or anything… but set your marketing budget right.

7 Surround yourself with people better than you

The internet gives you the opportunity to connect with whoever you want pretty easy. Just follow those who have already achieved what you are after. Start by following me of course https://twitter.com/vladivasilev.

Go to events and meetings, join communities, just find ways to be friends with people more successful than you. Sooner or later you will become like them. Ever since I was little I’ve always been really careful who I’s friends with, not because I was better than anybody, but because I always wanted to connect to people I had something to learn from.

8 Read the 5 fundamental internet marketing life lessons

I’ll let you go read them, but will only tell you one of the lessons is to have fun, as much as you can. Just go read the article, you will love it.

9 Craft your story

You need to have a story, you need to tell it right and you need to talk about it as much as you can. Nothing forms emotional connections as stories do, and if you need to make sales you have to connect with your audience emotionally. People buy out of sympathy for the seller, and that sympathy is built by telling your life story (just don’t lie though, as this is never a good thing).

10 Don’t read too much

Reading fills your head with knowledge, which makes you think more, and thinking is the opposite of acting. Not to mention you only have to inform yourself about things that matter, for the rest you will get help. If you don’t like search engine optimization, there is not point to push to learn about it. If you try to learn everything and do it all by yourself you won’t achieve anything at the end.

Pick something you like, become the best and kill it, then spend your money and have fun.

I hope you enjoyed the article, It came out a little longer this time, but internet marketing is something I could talk about forever. I sorted the most important for this post though. Let me know if you liked it.

image: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/560205641120119161/

The post 10 Things Spock Would Say About Internet Marketing appeared first on WEALTH MAGNATE.

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