Our friend Marcos has written to tell us news from the hills above Agia Pelagia, Crete...
"The Mourtzanakis Residence is scheduled to expand by end of 2013 season by adding three more studios below three villas as well as doing a "face lift" so that it would become a beautique rural accomodation.
However, the quality would never change, on the contrary we are looking forward to improve our services and program as well, such as:
• Organizing Olive Trees Harvest end of 2013
• Attending the Local Shepherd's Cheese Making day
• Discover More Paths so that it would combine the Contemporary World with our Past
We are keen in re openning the old path of Achlada to Savvathiana Convent, Visiting the Medieval Olive Oil Press in Achlada Village, and commencing a tough trek to Fodele's Castle.
We are confident that despite the crisis, hard work and striving would let us prevail the current serious situation that our country is facing and many of our compatriots are suffering from.
Last but not least, we are always waiting for you and all are most welcome to our cozy and warm Residence.
Marcos and Family
More information here...