A total of 195 students at West Hartford’s Conard High School earned AP Scholar Awards in 2015.
Submitted by Kimberly Davis, Conard High School
The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program(AP) provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP Exams. About 20 percent of the 2.1 million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award.
AP exams are scored from 1 – 5, with 5 being the highest possible score. Students who qualify as AP Scholars score a 3 or better on 3 or more of their AP exams. Conard High School boasts a total of 195 students who are recognized nationally as AP Scholars. Of the 195 scholars, 91 of them are 2015 graduates (names italicized), while 104 currently attend Conard. This speaks to the rigor of courses offered at Conard, and the commitment of the students to challenge themselves by taking more than one AP course.
Exams are offered in 34 different courses in such subjects as English Language and Composition, Computer Science, European History, US History, US Government and Politics, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, French Language and Culture, Spanish Language and Culture, and Spanish Literature and Culture.
The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on students’ performance on AP Exams.
The AP Scholar Award is granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. Eighty-six Conard students received this award: Alexandra Abels, Travis Abrahamsen, Julia Adams, Matthew Baisden, Hugo Barrillon, Alen Bihorac, Josiah Blackwell-Lipkind, Liam Bruce, Rachel Burke, Joseph Campbell, Kevin Chen, Meghan Cobb, Elizabeth Crosby, Kyle Dale, Callie Dannhauser, Daniela Doncel, Gerson Echevarria, Mark Ehnot, Maureen Farrell, Timothy Fisher, Matthew Flynn, Michael Gammon, Kathleen Gerity, Eve Gilles, Kayla Golden, Rebecca Gotthelf, Isabella Gradante, Adrianna Graham, Christina Green, Mark Guzick, Bryce Halter, Mitchell Hamilton, Olivia Heintz, Julia Hook, An Huynh, Emily Huynh, Pei Ivins, Robert Iwerson, Mary Jastrzebski, Nathaniel Jeremiah, Brittany Jones, Frederik Jorgensen, Syed Kaleem, Caroline Kane, Arjun Kaneria, Laura Keck, Anna Kirklin, Emily Kleban, Cassidy Kotyla, Alexis Krantz, Nicholas Lagana, Brian Lin, Madeline Lynch, Natalie Lynch, Mifrah Malik, Madeline Manders, Spencer Maslin, Josie McCormick, Zacharie Mega, Nicholas Meredith, Carlie Musto, Abhimanyu Natarajan, Justina Navallil, Chidebe Ndibe, Lia Negron, Samuel Newton, Cassie Orkin, Rosemary O’Rourke, Erin O’Shea, Owen Painter, Jacqueline Palermo, Ethan Patterson, Katherine Policelli, Carson Reale, Cailyn Regan, Erin Regan, John Rinald, Michelle Rodgers, Caleb Ryor, Avery Schott, Philip Simplicio, Karman Singh, Carolina Tran, Alanna Uthgenannt, Aquins Varghese, Astrid Isabella Villamil, Hayley Welch.
The AP Scholar with Honor Award is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and score of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. Forty-five Conard students received this award: Mairead Barry, Jackson Bell, Lanceley Bondoc, Michael Boni, Camilla Bowin, Lucas Busch, Clara Capone, Liam Connelly, Matthew Costello, Brendan Dakin, Jonathan Davis, Christopher DiPietro, Diana Festa, Abigail Gosselin, Katherine Gosselin, Madeline Gregory, Danielle Hartshorn, Cole Hollant, Toby Hollertz, Natalie Joseph, Mohammad Khan, Emma Kutscher, Julia Leone, Brittany McCabe, Matthew McCormick, Catalina Michea, Syeda Naqvi, Elizabeth Narwold, John O’Connor, Kelly O’Donovan, Kate Olguin, Andrew Olmstead, Wallace Phelps, Kevin Presing, Zenith Rai, Nathaniel Richam-Odoi, Huda Samakaab, Anna Schone, Michael Sisti, Madison Soucy, Brian Torsiello, Michael Tuite, Daniel Walsh, Laura Windhorst, Kaylin Wu.
The AP Scholar with Distinction Award is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. Sixty-three Conard students received this award: Sophia Appicelli, Maria Armillei, Anusha Basnet, Ryan Bell, Sarah Binder, Zachary Boehm, Molly Bugos, George Carney, Sean Cavanaugh, Elodie Currier, Emma Damokosh, Ly Dang, William Dickinson, Derek Ehle, Anis Ehsani, Katherine Falvey, Alec Ferguson-Hull, Andrew Festa, Madison Gaetano, Luke Garneau, Kevin Gates, Julia Gibson, Isaac Gilles, Benjamin Hadra, Kelsey Hammond, Nickolas Hartman, John Haverty, Jessica Hendsey, Michael Hennessey, Cierra Hungerford, Ajay Jagjivan, Margaret Jamin, Jacob Judd, Elizabeth Lavelle, Vinh-Kha Le, Emily Ledwith, Ansley Levine, Thomas Link, Miranda Litke, Pavlo Lyalyutskyy, John Martin, Aidan McCaffrey, Shayla McKeown, Patrick Melly, Julia Monyak, Katherine Novak, Grace O’Connell-Bach, Isaac Oda-Bayliss, Christopher O’Sullivan, Rebecca Palma, Samuel Prescott, Kayla Reuben, Katherine Riedling, Danielle Schuman, Angel Serrano, Inga Smith, Jefrin Thomas, Matthew Thomas, Gabriel Turco, Kristina Vakhman, Gabriella Vogel-Freedman, Lucy Walker, Rachel Yousman.
The National AP Scholar Award is granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and score of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. Twelve Conard students received this award: Molly Bugos, George Carney, Alec Ferguson-Hull, Andrew Festa, Kevin Gates, Nickolas Hartman, John Haverty, Vinh-Kha Le, Pavlo Lyalyutskyy, Shayla McKeown, Isaac Oda-Bayliss, Katherine Riedling.
The State AP Scholar Award, granted to only two students – one male and one female – in each state and the District of Columbia with scores of 3 or higher on the greatest number of AP Exams, and then the highest average score (at least 3.5) on all AP Exams taken. Class of 2015 Katherine Riedling, with an average score of 4.57 on a total of 14 AP Exams, is the recipient of this outstanding award.
Congratulations to Conard High School’s AP scholars!
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