
Here is a list  from Democrat and Chronicle of things going on in Rochester and surrounding areas.

Rochester Memorial Day Parade: To honor the armed forces and those who have given their lives for our country. Presented by the Veterans Memorial Executive Council. It forms at East Avenue near Scio Street, then heads down East Avenue to Main Street and ends at Plymouth Avenue. 10:30 a.m. May 30. Main Street,. www.cityofrochester.gov.

Chili Memorial Day Parade: Parade begins at Grenell Drive and continues along Chili Avenue to the Veterans Memorial in front of the Chili Senior Center, 3235 Chili Ave. Ceremony following the parade. Sponsored by Chili American Legion Post 1830. 8:30 a.m. May 30. Grenell Drive, Chili.

Greece Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony: Parade starts at Janes Road and Long Pond Road; it will proceed south on Long Pond Road to the Greece Town Hall, 1 Vince Tofany Blvd. A Memorial Day Ceremony at the pavilion will take place immediately following the parade. Noon to 2 p.m. May 30. Janes Road and Long Pond Road, Janes Road and Long Pond Road. (585) 225-2000 orwww.greeceny.gov.

Irondequoit Memorial Day Flag Raising:  7 a.m. May 30. Irondequoit Town Hall, 1280 Titus Ave. (585) 336-6070 or www.irondequoit.org.

Memorial Day Breakfast:  7:30 to 9:30 a.m. May 30. Union Congregational United Church of Christ, 14 N. Main St. $6; $3 ages 5-12; free for ages 4 and younger. (585) 293-1665.

Mendon Memorial Day Parade: Parade forms at Westminster Hall and Chapel. It will then head east on Route 251, then south to the Mendon Cemetery on Mendon-Ionia Road (Route 64) for the service.9:30 a.m. May 30. Westminster Hall and Chapel, 3886 Rush-Mendon Road (Route 251), Mendon.

Gates Memorial Day Service: To honor the men and women who have served our country. 9 a.m. May 30. Gates Community Center, 1605 Buffalo Road, Gates. (585) 247-6100 or www.townofgates.org.

Irondequoit Memorial Day Services:  Irondequoit Cemetery, 3671 Culver Road. (585) 336-6070 orwww.irondequoit.org.

Scottsville Memorial Day Parade: It starts on Beckwith Avenue; proceeds down Rochester Street and Main Street and ends at the Smith-Warren American Legion Post 367. 9:30 a.m. May 30. Smith-Warren American Legion Post 367, 61 Main St. (585) 889-4330.

Webster Memorial Day Parade: The parade begins at Sanford Street and South Avenue, it will then proceed onto West Main Street, and will conclude with a memorial ceremony at the Veterans memorial in the cemetery at the corner of Holt Road and Ridge Road. 9:30 a.m. May 30. Village of Webster, Sanford Street and South Avenue, Webster. www.villageofwebster.com.

Pittsford Memorial Day Parade: Traditional patriotic parade through the village center honoring our veterans and those serving in the armed services, featuring a variety of marching bands and community groups; memorial service held after the parade at Pittsford Cemetery to honor the fallen. 10 a.m. May 30. Main Street, (State Route 96). Free. www.townofpittsford.org.

Fairport Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony: Sponsored by Perinton Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8495. It starts at the Fairport Baptist home; it will proceed south on Main Street to Church Street; then head west Church street to Potter Park for the Ceremony of Remembrance. Main Street (Route 250),.

Victor Memorial Day Parade: The parade begins at Victor Central School Campus, High Street; it will then proceed to downtown ending at the Village Hall. 10 a.m. May 30. Victor Village Hall, 60 E. Main St.www.victorny.org.

Penfield Memorial Day Ceremony of Remembrance: A tribute to veterans (including the traditional Presentation of Roses). Penfield Amphitheater, Veterans Memorial Park, 3100 Atlantic Ave. (585) 340-8655 or www.penfieldrec.org.

Honeoye Falls Memorial Day Parade: Formation at the Honeoye Falls-Lima High School, at the corner of East and Church Streets; parade through the Village, to the Honeoye Falls Cemetery. A ceremony will follow. 11:30 a.m. May 30. Honeoye Falls-Lima High School, 83 East St.

Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Memorial Day Ceremony: Honoring 19,000 of our comrades who were killed in that battle and our veterans who have died since. Max Boudakian will be awarded the French Legion of Honor, France’s highest decoration, for service in France in 1944 as a frontline infantry soldier in the 29th Infantry Division. The medal will be presented by Pascal Soares, Consul of France.11 a.m. May 30. Monument at Ontario Beach Park, Lake and Beach avenues.

Veterans Recognition and Headstone Restoration Workshop: Will honor deceased veterans who are buried in Smith Cemetery. The Penfield Trails Committee and the Local History Room will hold a headstone restoration workshop at the site. The workshop is intended to educate interested citizens in an ongoing restoration and upkeep effort, primarily in order to restore weathered and collapsing headstones. 1:30 p.m. May 30. Smith Pioneer Cemetery, Gloria Drive, Penfield. (585) 340-8740.

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 20 Memorial Day Ceremony: The ceremony will honor all men and women that sacrificed their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. 1 p.m. May 30. Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Highland Park, 1440 South Avenue. www.vva20.org.

Remembrance and Hope: A Memorial Day service of remembrance of the victims of the current wars.9 a.m. May 30. Frank and Janet Lamb Sister Cities Bridge, Pedestrian bridge at Genesee Crossroads Park, Bragdon Place.

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