We all have bad habits – no one’s perfect, and that goes for your time in the driver’s seat, too! However, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to kick those bad habits to the curb and start fresh. That’s why we’re encouraging you to kick your bad habit of texting and driving in 2017!
Why is texting and driving so dangerous?
Why is texting and driving so dangerous? Well, it ups your chance of getting into an accident by over 20% (and who needs those odds increased when there are already other dangers on the road?). When you text and drive, you take your eyes off the road for a minimum of five seconds… and it only takes two seconds of not paying attention for you to end up in a collision. See where we’re going with this?
Our N Charlotte Toyota dealership has plenty of cars with technology that can help you quit texting and driving – for example, check out options like:
Bluetooth wireless streaming for phone calls
Bluetooth controls mounted on the steering wheel
Voice command technology
And more. But there are other tips and tricks you can use if you’re not quite ready to get behind the wheel of a new Toyota near Charlotte. Check it out!
Use N Charlotte Toyota tips to kick this habit
Tip 1: Download an app that locks your phone. Seriously, there are apps you can download that will put your phone on lockdown while your car is in motion. Not only will this curb your texting and driving, you also won’t be able to check social media or surf the Internet. This is a great option for new teen drivers!
Tip 2: Put your phone out of sight and put it on silent. If you can’t see it or hear it alerting you to text messages, then you won’t be tempted to look at them or text back. Stash it in your purse, pocket, or glove box before you even leave your parking spot!
Tip 3: Have your passengers text for you. This will prevent you from texting and driving completely – just have the person in the car with you read your messages aloud, and dictate your response to them. That way, you can keep your focus on handling your N Charlotte Toyota!
Tip 4: Pull over. If you absolutely have to read or answer a text message, pull off the road so you’re not putting yourself, your passengers, or other drivers in danger. Pull into a parking lot and put your car in park before you pick up your phone, though! Don’t be tempted into texting and driving just because you’re moving at slower speeds.
Want more N Charlotte Toyota tips, or want to get behind the wheel of one of our safe new Toyota cars? Visit us today – we’re just off I-77 at exit 23, at 13429 Statesville Road!
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