
Charlotte, N.C.—Congresswoman Alma Adams  released the following statement about her decision not to attend the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

“For many, the election of Donald Trump has sparked very real fears and concerns,” said Congresswoman Adams. “In November, the President-elect promised to bridge the divide to help us find common ground.  Unfortunately, that promise has not been honored.  Instead, President-elect Trump has validated our fears with his cabinet picks, tweets and attacks.

“I cherish our democracy and have a profound respect for the peaceful transition of power.  However, I cannot in good faith and consciousness pretend to celebrate the inauguration of someone who has spoken so horribly about women, minorities and the disabled. Instead, I am staying home to continue working toward our priorities and to meet with constituents, many of who are fearful of what lies ahead.

“When inauguration day is done, the real work will begin. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that all North Carolinian’s have a fair and equal voice.”

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