
Micah LaCerte:

A few weeks ago I had said one of the Biggest Accomplishments to Date had happened and I would release it when I could. Well that Day is Today.. So proud to announce that Hitch Fit is Featured this Month on the Cover and inside pages of Thinking Bigger Business Magazine. This by far is the Most Meaningful Cover We have ever been on because it is about more than simply us as individuals. Our whole team has worked so hard for years and to get highlighted like this is beyond a Blessing. Almost 6 years ago we started the Online business side of Hitch Fit , 6 months after that opening our first location. We did not have much capital to work with but did our very best to make it work. I remember walking into our gym for the very first time and all we had was a bench, a few pair of dumbbells and resistance bands. We had a Small wall with a few transformations. At that point it was Just Diana and I. Fast forward to today, we have 2 locations and over 20 Transformation Trainers. Since starting Hitch Fit we have helped clients lose 200,000 lbs of fat and have clients in 68 countries globally. The Humbling beginnings makes all this so much more Amazing. When we started Hitch Fit our goal was not to make the most money possible it was to simply do things the right way, where results and total transformation was the goal, to give opportunity to trainers whos passion was to transform others so that they could then provide for their families. Like with any business we had some setbacks, had to make some tough choices, ect but we always stayed true to who we were, Work Hard, Work Smart, Work Honest and Spend within Your Means.. That is my advise to new business owners. You will be throw curve balls all the time, you simply just have to learn how to hit them!! I have to give a Huge Thank You to all the Amazing People Involved with Hitch Fit, The Clients/Friends, Family, Supporters.. This one is for YOU ALL. Morning of Dec 11th we get the great opportunity to speak in front of many Kansas City Business Owners and Others featuring the Cover, If you want more details just email me, it is open to all. Thank you again all. You All ROCK!!!! Most Importantly Thank you Jesus!!

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