Whole wheat bread
Most people believe that whole wheat is healthier than white bread, but this is not true. Here’s why — its because whole wheat bread (just like white bread) is made with wheat and contains gluten. Medical Studies show gluten causes problems with your digestion including bloating, excess gas and fatigue. This can even cause a Vitamin D deficiency if too much wheat bread is consumed in the diet.
Noodles are extremely high in carbohydrates due to their high glycemic index. Eating a diet high in carbohydrates is sure to put more weight on you – right on top of your belly! Noodles are known to increase the levels of “growth hormone” in the body. The high glycemic index Noodles means they should be avoided by diabetics who need to watch blood sugar levels.
(Diet) Yogurt
When you look at buying diet yogurt you think it must be very healthy so you buy the brand with 100% all natural fruit and the large 0% Fat logo. Did you know yogurt can contain up to 5 sugar cubes per container? Be sure to read the label and avoid those with artificial sugars (which are hidden under those long names you can’t pronounce!) High sugar yogurt means more fat ugly on your abdomen.
Fruit juices
The healthy fruit juices in the supermarket are not always as healthy as you think. Did you know many contain almost no real fruit and are little more than water, sugar and artificial flavours? Even fresh juice can make you fatter. When the juice is processed the natural fibres and most of the vitamins disappear, and mostly high levels of sugar remains. A glass full of Orange juice contains as much sugar as a Coke!
‘Healthy’ Breakfast Cereals
Breakfast cereals are highly processed which removes most of the healthy goodness. These sugar-laden cereals are among the worst foods you can eat. Food processors load them with sugar, grains (refined carbohydrates) and add ingredients (synthetic vitamins) so they look like they are healthy to eat. Don’t be fooled by the labels; just because the label says “low fat, fat free, whole wheat, doesn’t mean the cereal is good for you!
If you are not feeling up to scratch you could be suffering from the effects of gluten as a large percentage of the population is now believed to have some intolerance to gluten in wheat and other grains.
There is new emerging science that is showing gluten (the indigestible proteins in wheat, barley) is responsible for
a LOT of the disorders that people are experiencing today such as bloating, poor immune systems, inability to lose
weight, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, weight gain, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and so on.
It is not helpful that wheat products are often falsely believed to be healthy… this includes most breads, cereals, bagels, muffins, pasta, crackers, and yes, anything made with ‘whole wheat’.
The introduction of wheat into the human diet has only been in the last couple of thousand years, and it has NEVER been in such large quantities in our daily diet until the last 80-100 years. The average diet today is staggering nine times higher in gluten than it was just a decade or so ago.
When people first began eating wheat thousands of years ago there were no such thing as flour mills. That means whole wheat flour was non-existent.
So, what did people do to make their daily bread? They first germinated the grains and used the softened seeds
to form a dough which was baked in the sun. Sprouting the grains first meant the gluten was naturally broken down in
the germination process rendering it predigested which is much easier tolerated by our human digestive system.
It is hard to believe that as much as ten to twenty times more healthful nutrients are found in sprouted seeds compared to the processed grains of today stripped of most of their nutrients to allow them to be stored for longer. These harshly processed and refined grains have many negative health effects.
Eliminating gluten from your diet will do the following?
Better energy
Enhanced weight loss
Improved digestion
No more chronic gas and bloating
Reduced muscle and joint pain
Hormone re-balancing
Also from my own experience with many of my clients, when they heed my advice and eliminate wheat from their diet for
2-3 weeks to see if they start to lose weight and feel better, this almost always makes a HUGE difference.