Who best to help us build our wall than the Israelis? Israel’s wall has stood the test of time against attacks from Hamas and others right?
President Trump is getting a knock at his door, and it’s the Israelis. They want to volunteer to build the wall at the Mexico-US border. The funds have already been appropriated for the wall get all we need to start doing right now is laying the groundwork for building in high.
Magal Security Systems Ltd of Israel wants that contract to build, but I think Trump might go the way of Americans. He preached that throughout his campaign and how would it look if another country built it. I think it’s a kind gesture, but Americans need their hands on the wall.
From Forward.com:
The Israeli company that built Israel’s border fence is making a play this week to construct U.S. President Donald Trump’s wall with Mexico.
According to Bloomberg, the U.S.-based unit of Magal Security Systems Ltd. presented at a January 31 conference on border security attended by officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The company, whose shares have risen almost 50% since Trump’s election, showcased a fiber-optic fencing system that it says is used in airports and seaports around the world. The company also built Israel’s border fence with Gaza and the West Bank.
“We have the right product and we have the experience in Israel that helps in showcasing our product,” Magal’s Chief Executive Officer Saar Koursh told Bloomberg.
Israel contends the fences keep Israel safe, while Palestinians say they are part of a system of collective punishment that limits freedom of movement.
Trump cited Israel an example of a nation that has stopped undocumented immigration in an interview with Fox News.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted about the fence’s effectiveness in a subsequent tweet.
Thanks, Israel!
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