For fifty years, ClimateMaster has been the top rung of the ladder when it comes to providing homeowners with the most energy efficient HVAC technology available. They are the world’s largest manufacturer of residential ENERGY STAR qualified geothermal heat pump heating and cooling systems.
When it comes to a million (and growing) American homeowners, ClimateMaster is the company they praise for lowering their utility bills and offering them a comfortable home that is amazingly energy efficient. No longer do homeowners have to worry about how high the utility bill is going to climb every month. They no longer have to worry that the substandard HVAC system they’re using is erasing hard-earned cash from their bank accounts every month because the system simply does not operate at a high efficiency rate. In other words, ClimateMaster has taken worry off the homeowner’s shoulders.
ClimateMaster’s entire product line is designed to improve the homeowner’s and their family’s quality of life. Along with the lower utility bills, ClimateMaster products provide exceptional comfort and create superior indoor air quality, all while minimizing any harmful impacts on the environment that other traditional HVAC systems can cause.
This is innovation at its finest. Offering a variety of products that support the homeowner, ClimateMaster residential geothermal heat pump systems meet the heating and cooling needs of just about every type of home heating and cooling application you can imagine. This includes space heating and cooling, water heating (including pools), and even indoor and/or outdoor radiant floor (in-floor) heating.
The homeowner needs efficiency, and the ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump heating and cooling systems provide 400-600% efficiency, which is the catalyst in making the utility bill drop. Some homeowners can actually see up to an 80% drop in their heating, cooling, and hot water costs by utilizing the ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump. Even your broker would tell you that installing the ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump is one of those ‘must-have’ investments when it comes to cost savings, because the future spending of the household will be far less than the current spending.
Benefits continue with a 30% Federal guaranteed tax credit for the intelligent homeowner who installs the ClimateMaster geothermal heating and cooling system. This incentive is unlimited and can cover equipment, labor and landscaping. In addition, depending on the State you dwell in, there are some out there that also give incentives where geothermal heating and cooling is concerned.
The ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump is practical. In this day and age of discovering renewable energy sources, the geothermal heating and cooling system taps into the one energy source we have an abundance of – the temperature of the earth. You see, just a few feet below the ground the earth remains at a constant temperature no matter how hard the wind is blowing above ground, or how scalding the sun may be on any given day. Varying only a few degrees depending on geographical location, the earth’s temperature is the basis for how the ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump operates at such high efficiencies.
The ClimateMaster geothermal heating and cooling systems use a piping system set underground called a ‘loop.’ This loop connects the earth to the geothermal heat pump, always creating perfect temperatures inside the house for the family. Cash is saved, maintenance costs are almost nonexistent, the environment benefits, and that home you purchased or built from the ground-up will finally actually feel like your ‘castle.’
Geothermal heating and cooling technology is moving forward quickly because of the solid reputation of ClimateMaster, and their incredible product line. And as more and more homeowners praise ClimateMaster geothermal heat pumps as being the best HVAC system money can buy, the snowball effect is sure to continue.
The next person to reap the rewards of choosing the geothermal energy path should be you. Head to: today.