As previously explained, I recently started on an iOS project and have spent a bit of time comparing iOS automation tools and chose Appium as the superior tool.
The things I really like about Appium is that it is language/framework agnostic as it uses the WebDriver standard WIRE protocol, it doesn’t require any modifications to your app, supports testing web views (also known as hybrid apps) and it supports Android since we are concurrently developing an Android application (it also supports OSX and Firefox OS but we aren’t developing for those, yet). There isn’t another iOS automated testing tool, that I know of, that ticks that many boxes for me.
Getting Started
The first thing to do is download the package from the appium website. I had an issue with the latest version (0.11.2) launching the server which can be resolved by opening the preferences and checking “Override existing sessions”.
You run the server from inside the which takes your commands and relays them to the iOS simulator. There’s also a very neat ‘inspector’ tool which shows you all the information you need to know about your app and how to identify elements.
Note: there’s currently a problem with XCode 5.0.1 (the latest version as I write) which means Instruments/UIAutomation won’t work at all. You’ll need to downgrade (uninstall/reinstall) to XCode 5.0 to get appium to work at all.
Two Ruby Approaches
This confused me a little to start, but there’s actually two vastly different ways to use appium in ruby.
1) Use the standard selenium-webdriver gem
If you’re used to using WebDriver, like me, this will be the most straightforward approach (this is the approach I have taken). Appium extends the API to add different gestures by calling execute_script from the driver, so all other commands stay the same (for example, find_element).
2) Use the appium_lib library
There is a Ruby gem appium_lib that has a different API to the selenium-webdriver gem to control appium. I don’t see any massive benefits to this approach besides having an API that is more specific to app testing.
Using Selenium-WebDriver to start appium in ruby
Launching an appium app is as simple as defining some capabilities with a path to your .app file you have generated using XCode (this gets put into a deep folder so you can write the location to a file and read it from that file).
Locating elements
Once you’ve launched your app, you’ll be able to use the appium inspector to see element attributes you can use in appium. Name is a common attribute, and if you find that it’s not being shown, you can add a property AccessibilityIdentifier in your Objective C view code which will flow throw to appium. This makes for much more robust tests than relying on labels or xpath expressions.
Enabling location services for appium testing
This got me stuck for a while as there’s quite a bit of conflicting information about appium on how to handle the location services dialog. Whilst you should be able to interact with it as a normal dialog in the latest version of appium, I would rather not see it at all, so I wrote a method to copy a plist file with location services enabled in it to the simulator at the beginning of the test run. It’s quite simple (you can manually copy the clients.plist after manually enabling location services):
Waiting during appium tests
This is exactly the same as selenium-webdriver. There’s an implicit wait, or you can explicitly wait like such:
Mobile gestures
The obvious difference between a desktop web browser and a mobile app is gestures. Appium adds gestures to WebDriver using execute_script. I recommend using the percentage method (0.5 etc) instead of pixel method as it is more resilient to UI change.
For example:
Testing Embedded Web Views
The native and web views seamlessly combine so you can use the same find_element method to find either. The inspector displays the appropriate attributes.
Note: I can’t seem to be able to execute a gesture (eg. swipe) over a Web View. I don’t know whether this is a bug or a limitation of Appium.
I have found that using the familiar selenium-webdriver gem with appium has been very powerful and efficient. Being able to open an interactive prompt (pry or irb) and explore your app using the selenium-webdriver library and the inspector is very powerful as you can script on the fly. Whilst appium still seems relatively immature, it seems a very promising approach to iOS automation.
Now to get watir-webdriver to work with appium.