
The troll known as DMB refers to an old item from 2002, related to Software (OEM) being sold to third parties in 1999. Eight Software packs were sold to end users. OEM software is the software that comes with your PC, Server etc. We are resellers and build servers for our clients. Microsoft sent us extra so we had spares which were sold at EBay. One buyer attempted to purchase all eight copies and I said no. I suspected he was a software pirate and it later turned out he was. At any rate, this person complained and the state investigator in his zeal stated the software was pirated. It was not.

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 11:37:49 -0400
X-EM-Version: 5, 0, 0, 7
X-EM-Registration: #0090520010321700B700

To: Alain
Subject: EBay auction 1235985494 (Claim Number eb45793)
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 11:39:11 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Thank you for your prompt response. The information you provided is
quite different then the claims made by Mr. G****r.

The evidence you provided, including the delivery reciept for
the software, as well as back up documentation from the Legends Casino
where the second software package went and the confirmation from them
that the software was genuine Microsoft leads me to conclude that this
claim is not genuine.
I will be contacting Mr. G****r again to have him either confirm his story
or to rectify it.

I appreciate the help that you have provided in settling this claim.


Regardless, I was sued by the state, we counter sued in District Court (that means the state was the Defendant) and the state approached me to settle out of court. We signed an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance with no costs to be paid by us (that is not SOP), no fines, and the only requirement being if any buyer wanted a refund they had 60 days to do so. Only one buyer requested a refund. All buyers, one of which was a state agency, registered the software. Attached to this post is a letter from the same attorney who signed the papers. Also included here is an email exchange between myself and the FBI which pre-dated the State involvement. The state had been unaware of this until it was made part of the counter-suit.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel Brill***"

To: "'Alain'"
Cc: "Mary So*****"

Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 1:24 PM
Subject: RE: software pirate

> Alain, I am assigned to a squad which investigates computer intrusions.
> Because this matter involves pirated software, I will forward this e-mail
>to SA Mary S******* who would handle cases of this type. Thanks,
> SA Joel **********
> (503) 615 ****** work
> (503) 920-****** pager
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 1:28 PM
> To: Joel Bril**********
> Subject: software pirate
> I spoke with Kent at the US attorney's office and he gave me
> your email.
> I purchased some software from this guy after he emailed me several months
> ago. I had just sold advanced server OEM software I got from a Microsoft rep when this
> guy contacted me offering to sell me advanced server. Bought several and
> they were CD-Rs which we promptly returned. They arrived from Florida.
> This guy is named Taylor Peng or that is what he calls himself. He assured me after they >arrived that they were legit copies of original software he never installed. The prices below are >less then I paid. I had installed one of them to confirm the numbers for the software were legit >and they were, so I saw no problem with them. One of the bidders we had at ebay when we >sold the OEM software apparently was his partner. He wanted to buy 15 copies of Server >software but we did not have that many. We sent him 3 and then he complained to the State of Oregon. He tired using multiple IDs at ebay to purchase all of the software. .He didn't know you >could not clone OEM software which was his intent. I have that person’s contact information and multiple user IDs if >you need it.
> Apparently I was wrong. At any rate he accidentally sent me part of
> his email list, I know his paypal account and where the govt can
> get a transaction list from which has his true name and a
> list of clients that are verified members. I just double checked and he
>has sold at least 294 software items to verified members of PayPal. I am sure
> there are tons more who are not verified members. He is also playing games
> with IP numbers and is using multiple addresses but I have several that will
> work which have not kicked back. Cal Pe******* from
> the Salem office had worked with me when I tracked
> down some Kiddy porn sites for him a couple of years ago.

This email exchange between myself and the software pirate occurred after The FBI and I had contact. This and subsequent emails were forwarded to the FBI. He was caught and no surprise he was Chinese. Yeah it is a long list but what the hell, it will give you something else to complain about or you can just scroll past it.

Hi Alan,
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Now let us move on the Disabled Students which was set up to help raise funds for scholarships and provide some help to a student at a local JC who was a member of………wait for it, the Disabled Student club, started by my late wife and 4 other students, all obviously disabled and one or two may have been "window lickers" as one of your more classy members stated.

Clubs at the JC were given $100 and that was it. And in the mid 80’s PC was not the norm. That club by the way still exists but under a PC name. One of the members spoke at my wife’s Celebration of Life, thanking her for helping to save his life. I have the video of someone wants to scream “prove it!”
There were two infractions and they were technical. The first being that both I and Carol were on the board unaware that a recent change in the law regarding non profits prohibited that. The second was that although the nonprofit paperwork had been sent in, the State had not yet approved it. At no time did I have access to the funds and that was by my design and every penny was accounted for since one of the board members was an accountant along with two teachers from the School for the Deaf, one from the School for the Blind, a local business woman and another student from the Disabled Club. As the head of the board I accepted full responsibility for the lapses as well I should have. The circus went on as scheduled (a small one similar to one which had performed in the past at the JC), a wheelchair was funded as well as funds for partial book payments made. As an aside to this, the Sheriff’s Posse which is a fund raising group raising for children's activities was also cited as were over 15 other groups almost all for technical violations.

DMB, you are a troll in every meaning of the word. I will thank you for the link, it was passed on to Jeff yesterday and he will deal with it Scribe with a Cease and Desist. Beyond that, your absurd claims about my hating republicans are laughable. My eldest son is a conservative republican as are his wife and in-laws. I hate the agenda of GOP “values” politicians. Unfunded highway bills, unemployment insurance for millions of Americans allowed to lapse, shutting down the US government in a temper tantrum. Whining about the ACH when they should have been happy that millions of Americans could get some health care and they would be less of a burden on emergency rooms and social safety nets. We could discuss their refusal to fund a 27 billion dollar increase to Veterans health care saying it would bust the budget yet they voted to approve 235 billion in tax cuts to business and the rich without the required revenue off-sets. Both parties suck but your party sucks more. The “typical Lib” moniker does not fit me as I voted for Bush 41, Gordon Smith, Packwood and Hatfield, all members of the GOP.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/ ... 6O20140227

Now go fuck yourself guy. Changing the sig files, avatars and editing comments by members of your forum who tried to defend me is as WG as it gets. Your so called open discussion claims are bogus. In fact they are a joke. A petty little group of mods who run roughshod over members who disagree with them. Nothing has changed since Y3, same old same old. Your boorish comments to a member of your forum about disclosing who they are to me as they are also WL members is not only lame but typical of a loser who thinks he has a little power and abuses it.

The funny thing is that it was not a WL member who told me about the thread and a WL did not send me the PDF of it. It was a member who knows me from another forum we both belong to and who has known me pre- watchlords. You or one of your other mods takes the email address of at least one WL/DWC member and signs them up at porn sites so they can get spammed. Hey hotshot, I still have your email address. Maybe I should do that to you. Perhaps sign you up for some little boy porn. Maybe Falcon would like that too? Of course, you also used that members' avatar after banning them, to set up a fake account. Haters? This site has more information about watches on it then your site could ever hope to have. That is a simple statement of fact. Based on everything I have read in the last 28 hours, you are the new WGs based on the behavior of those who run the place.

Falcon, the little man with the persecution complex. Here is the email exchange between us. I mixed up the names which John, a friend here in Oregon me told as I had forgotten your name. I make it very clear that YOU, Falcon were more interested in my car than watches and that is a fact. I corrected myself in the email so stop shooting your mouth off. You forgot to mention that I picked up your tab, or that you kept trying to bring the conversation back to Invicta while some of the guys were passing around Doxa, Enterna, Rolex, Omega and other watches for all of us to enjoy. I think you brought a fossil with you. You also forgot to mention that Desk Diver going away was on you. Your own email states that Jerry gave you the passwords and that I offered to have your forum information moved into Watchlords so it would be saved. That is the same offer I have to all forums that want to close down so while the original goes away, the posts and everything else are saved to a special forum with the now gone forum name as the header.
Did you forget to mention that you were encouraging me to smoke the tires in Downtown Portland where pedestrians were walking? Did you forget to mention that you wanted to see the vette, take a drive in it? I guess you did.

As to my MANDATE! What the fuck asshole? WL was started because XMT failed in expections. Invicta was a sidebar. The members of this forum exposed multiple frauds by that company, personalities aside. I paid to have the “sandstone” dial tested and they were plastic. Members here exposed the fake diamonds and meteorite dials, the fake Swiss movements and everything was documented. Even the Russians got fed up with Invicta claims. MD is no longer a tv sales guy and skel is more involved with knives than watches except on an informercial.

From: DON WALKER <donwalk@shaw.ca>
To: "Admin@watchlords.com" <watchlords@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Deskdiver
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:18:50 -0700 (MST)

SubjectRe: Deskdiver


Date2013-02-19 16:18

Yup, just like old ladies sitting around having tea and talking about all of the other old ladies that don't want to attend. I'm too old for it as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Admin@watchlords.com" <watchlords@juno.com>

Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 5:07:34 PM
Subject: Re: Deskdiver

HMM, John told me Jerry and I thought I remembered that name. And you were more interested in the vette! I am too sorry to say. Getting somewhat tired of the daily drama sometimes. Too damn old for this.

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.

Theophrastus (372 BC - 287 BC)

---------- Original Message ----------
From: DON WALKER <donwalk@shaw.ca>
To: "Admin@watchlords.com" <watchlords@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Deskdiver
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 16:43:51 -0700 (MST)

I'm the one that was down in Portland, Jerry lives in Kansas. Thanks for the invite.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Admin@watchlords.comwatchlords@juno.com

Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:17:14 PM
Subject: RE: Deskdiver


You know all of you are welcome at watchlords or watchforum.net which is owned by me but not run by me. More like Desk Diver. I am sorry to hear that Jerry took off, seems rather strange to me. Perhaps he felt trapped by the forum and felt he had to move on or he lost interest in watches. I know when he was down here visiting and stayed at John's place (northwestguy) he was more interested in my corvette than watches.I wanted to ask permission to post this at my place for all of those who stop by
( about aquadive) and if you have any content you want posted or saved ( still on the net somewhere), I can post it and make certain people know it is from you.

At any rate, if you ever want to talk feel free to give me a call

Best regards,


Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.

Theophrastus (372 BC - 287 BC)

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Don Walker" <donwalk@shaw.ca>
To: "'Admin@watchlords.com'" <watchlords@juno.com>
Subject: RE: Deskdiver
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:13:53 -0700

Hey Alain,

Thanks for the email. As you may or may not know, Jerry and I go back a long ways. Where ever he went I went, even if it was for the wrong reasons. One example was he got his panties in a bunch because Weenson would not give him a mod position over at World of Watches forum. He had left a few forums for one reason or another and I always followed blindly. Jerry is a very needy guy, needier than anyone I know, he would get upset if no one acknowledged his new watch in the wrist check forum.

Then there was The Horology Guild that he wanted to shut down, things were going great but he wanted to walk away. The guy is so fucking compulsive, he does things that are irrational at the drop of a hat. That’s what he did with Desk Divers, he sent me a PM and said here is the password I’m out of here. Needless to say, I’m done with this prick.

In a nutshell, that’s the story of why DD was shut down. I really don’t get that guy...at all. I’m not the only one.


Sent: January-30-13 4:25 PM

Subject: Deskdiver


So what happened? You mentioned Jerry left but I am out of the loop as to why or when. Been busy fighting trolls and Doxa on my site recently and a 60 work week on top of that. I would have loved to have moved some of the information Deskdiver had to WL for others to share but I see the forum is already gone. You know you are welcome at WL as are any of your members.

Hopefully we will see you around the forums in the future. My best wishes.



Now let us get down to the crux of this, once again, for at least the second if not third time you have dragged my wife into your threads. I warned you once before about this. The comments about “getting over it”, “moving on” and “obsessed about her death” show not only little class but a weakness and pettiness that does not surprise me with your group. Maybe I am old school and maybe I just think that “moving on” from someone you were married to for over 30 years is not something all of us do. Maybe a few of you should try it and see how it works out for you. I am in my 60’s with no plans to move on or get over it.

My late wife, mother of my children fought her entire life to live. She fought Crohns Disease twice including an 8 month stay at UCSF where she also lost both kidneys, spent a week in a coma from Pancreatitis forcing me to remove her from life support in a sink or swim move. She spent two years tied to dialysis machine until she had a transplant. She went back to college, she fought off other illnesses with me at her side until she was taken off life support by me after a week in a coma and her fight against Lymphoma ended.

She was a better person than any of you and I dare any one you to tell me to my face “to move on”. Watchlords has a rule about family members, they are off limits but with us being a hater site, perhaps I should modify the rule so the family members of DWC can be spoken about without being banned.... Nah, that one rule applies even for those who have no respect for family members.

One more thing Falcon, besides being a cunt (with apologies to vaginas worldwide) you cannot see what is at the forum unless I allow it. Almost everything related to Invicta and the like is in sub-forums you have ZERO access to. Most threads are from 2012 or earlier although the TV brands section has a recent threads which do not draw much attention anymore.

Now to your domain, well, perhaps the big bad DWC overlords should have grabbed those domains to begin with. Consider dragging my wife into your threads and my subsequent game playing with the domain a warning. Did not like the mock forum which took me all of 30 minutes to build, perhaps the gay site was more fun for some of your more homophobic members. No, well the photos of dead civilians (did not look to see if there were soldiers there) woke you up a bit. Pissed you off I imagine, now imagine how pissed off I am that my late wife was brought up again.

Right now you can enjoy vids about the French Traitor and Vichy supporter, Jacques Cousteau. A former officer in the French Navy who walked away and went to Paris, living off the tit of the Nazis. And yes, the information is out there. In the meantime, men like my late father, a French Marine, managed to escape to Africa and join the Free French. The only reason his brother Pierre Cousteau was not executed for treason and facilitating the deaths of thousands was a deal made regarding the Aqualung. His brother was instead sentenced to prison for treason and was released because he was terminally ill. Enjoy the videos anyway.

I will give your forum the chance to purchase the domains .net and .org for a donation of $500 to the wounded Warrior fund, with the receipt posted on-line. If that is done, I will turn them over to Jeepdad and he can give them to your owners. If not, I may just leave the forwarding where it is, park it, rent it out to whomever…. Or perhaps I will just tire of it. Jeep dad, thanks for the comment about carol and to the other couple of comments about the loss of a loved one.

A final note to the loud mouths who want to “beat me up”, grow the fuck up.

Statistics: Posted by koimaster — 46 minutes ago

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