
It’s a packed week in the arts presenting you with a diverse array of options. The Henry Art Gallery presents “Danny Lyon: The Bikeriders” through May 4; the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture hosts a trivia night at the College Inn Pub and don’t miss the final weekend of “Reading to Vegetables” at the Penthouse Theater.

Danny Lyon

Cal, Elkhorn, Wisconsin. 1967. Part of the exhibit “The Bikeriders” at the Henry Art Gallery.

“Danny Lyon: The Bikeriders”

Through May 4 | Henry Art Gallery

In pictures of dirt track racing and motorcycle gang life, Lyon captures both the realism and the romantic notion of the rebel on a bike, which was later demonstrated in the 1969 Hollywood film “Easy Rider.” More info.

Burke Trivia Night at the College Inn Pub

8 p.m., Feb 6 | Burke Museum

The Burke presents a monthly pub quiz for science buffs, culture gurus and museum lovers. Bring your friends and test your knowledge of the natural world. Teams are limited to six players. More info.

Mallethead Series

7:30 p.m., Feb. 7 | Meany Studio Theater

Faculty artist Tom Collier is joined by emeritus professor Bill Smith (clarinet), Steve Korn (drums) and Carmen Rothwell (bass) in an evening of music arranged for jazz quartet. More info.

“Reading to Vegetables”

7:30 p.m., Through Feb. 9 | Penthouse Theater

Director Tina Polzin, a student in the UW Professional Director Training Program, worked with Portland-based playwright EM Lewis to create a Hitchcockian world of suspense on stage. More info. 

“Mixing Musics: The Sacred Songs of Istanbul Jews”

7 p.m., Feb. 10 | Ethnic Cultural Theater

This lecture-demonstration explores the linked histories of Istanbul, its Jewish community and multi-religious music-making in Ottoman and Turkish society. UW alumnna Maureen Jackson, author of the newly published study “Mixing Musics,” will discuss her book with musical demonstrations by Munir Beken, an ud master and ethnomusicologist at UCLA.  More info.

3D4M Undergraduate + First-Year Graduate Students Exhibit Opening

6 p.m., Feb. 11 | Ceramic and Metal Arts Building

This evening is a celebration for 3-Dimensional Forum students, alumni and friends as well as the opening of shows by the program’s undergraduates and first-year graduate students. The exhibition continues through Feb. 20.. More info.

Nikky Zhang

Design Lab at the Henry Art Gallery.

Design Lab: Critical Collaboration
4:30-7:30 p.m., Thursdays through March 13 | Henry Art Gallery

Students are reimagining Seattle’s Aurora Avenue in a series of eight charettes, or brainstorming sessions being held in partnership with the College of Built Environments — and the public is invited. The gatherings stem from a class called Critical Collaboration: Tools for the Contemporary Urban Environment, taught by Rob Corser, associate professor of architecture. The series is also a kind of art installation, held in the Henry’s Test Site and open for view. The weekly meetings bring students together with area professionals from different disciplines. Advance notes state “the seminar is an active, academic exploration of collaborative process.” Learn more at the Design Lab blog.

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