I'm horrible at writing reports so bear with me ... :facepalm:
WOW!! What a weekend!! Was a little (ok a lot) stiff and sore getting around Monday morning :shocked1:
By chance this turned out to be a small class so the personal attention and number of reps on the drills ect was fantastic. As always Randy did a super job explaining and executing the drills as well as explaining the rhyme and reason behind the drill. Drill work was a natural foundation building exercise each drill building upon the previous. From all the different shooting positions, contact distance weapon retention and disarming, to weak side manipulations to weak side ONE HANDED manipulations (SUCKED). The team work drill on day to were well thought out and make 'real world' sense.
Equipment wise, my training partner had no weapons related issues....I had one ammo related malfunction (bad primer apparently), and a couple user related malfs on the weak side one handed manipulation stuff, a short pause to figure out what the heck I was doing and that was sorted out.
I have a few good "take homes" to work on in my personal training.
"Advanced Rifle Gunfighting is the most advanced level rifle training available outside of Special Operations schools. This class will consist of all new material and take your rifle fighting skills, both as a firearm and as an alternative force tool, far beyond what you would think possible.
Not for Beginners. Students must own the basic combat rifle skill-set and be in reasonable physical condition for this class. If in doubt, attend the introductory class scheduled immediately before. This class will leave you gasping for air with a red-hot smoking rifle barrel."
That's no lie!!!! not to mention dripping with sweat when its 90+ and humid !!!